
Connect to your Ancestors

Shadow work

Midway (Jean Carfantan)
New Earth Consciousness


© Jean Carfantan composition from an image by Peter H from Pixabay

We can’t just submit and perpetuate our victim status. Suffering is an energy that’s stuck, that needs to be recognized by consciousness and accepted and integrated, whether it belongs to us or not. We are individual and collective, and we feel collective suffering as much as individual suffering. It’s important to uplift our ancestors, to help them escape the prison of suffering and free their descendants from this source of suffering.

Even if suffering is transformed at source, it has a force of inertia, like an ocean liner that has to change direction because it has created secondary effects, waves and loops that persist because of attachment and the difficulty for humans to look to the future. Once again, don’t rely on the effects you see — the effects are effects of the past.

Try to look to the future, let go of any anger, emotions often don’t belong to you. They have been passed on through the genes and through the effects on the descendants, who have multiplied to the point of making this suffering intolerable. This suffering requires the descendants to cleanse, pacify, recognize, integrate and accept in order to bring it up, to separate the teaching that the light can receive by separating the shadow and the light, by thanking the shadow because the shadow also has a teaching to give us.

We advance at the same time through the aspiration to light and the yoke of suffering. This is what Christians call the communion of saints, i.e. the reintegration of ancestors into the community through forgiveness.

Because this unresolved past prevents humanity from rising more quickly and escaping the grip of negative powers. These powers do their utmost to prevent us from becoming aware of all this, inducing humanity to believe in materialism and thus cutting off any possibility of transformation, clipping its wings.

The battle being waged between the forces of regression and the forces of evolution is indeed being waged outside us, but particularly within us. Working on the shadow enables us to free up resources to evolve faster. Light work and shadow work are both necessary at the same time, and reinforce each other.



Midway (Jean Carfantan)
New Earth Consciousness

Hypnotherapist, initiator, inspirer, always exploring where my Higher Self leads me to. (in English--en, French or Spanish --es)