A Channeled Message from my Energy Group/Higher Self

For a New Earth, We Need to Create a New Timeline

[Updated May 26, 2022] We have the power to transform the planet, if we stay the course.

Alan Lew
New Earth Consciousness
7 min readSep 5, 2020



This message was channeled on June 29, 2020, during the first Summer peak of COVID-19 pandemic.

ME: I am asking for a message for my Higher Self that is in my highest and best interest. Blessings to all those who hear this message.

My Energy Group’s Response:

Hello, Alan. This is your Energy Group. This is your Higher Self. We are coming to you from a much higher dimension, the 7th and 8th dimensions. We do not have bodies. We have energies.

You have seen us before, but you have seen us as if we had bodies. We don’t really have bodies. You were just interpreting this based on your time-space reality in the 3rd Dimension on planet Earth.

You are part of our group, and we are with you all the time. We are experiencing your planet through you. We are experiencing your life as you experience your life.

We are always available to give support and security to you, because we know how challenging the 3rd dimensional Earth can be. We also…



Alan Lew
New Earth Consciousness

Anything and Everything is Possible in an Infinite Universe — http://www.AlanLew.com (paywall-free article links)