Deciphering the 3+1

The Earthing Matrix of Existence

Farmer Josh McClary
New Earth Consciousness
4 min readDec 7, 2023


A spider web in a field against the rising sun. Consideration Farm, Consideration, USA.
Consideration Farm, Consideration, USA. Summer 2022. Picture by Farmer Josh

As a farmer, father, and artist watching humans burn down the biosphere of our shared Earth, I decided to look for ways to help us stop. Mostly, I grow human-quality food and try to get folks to support me in doing that for them. It isn’t easy as many folks have factored into the game the dark belief that their lifestyles will destroy their lives, and they can not do anything about it. I can’t roll with that line of thinking, so I am trying to help others spin out from their path of total self-annihilation (I need to work on my marketing). I hope my narrative helps some of you see that although it’s just a 3D hologram, it’s ours and worth protecting with our lifestyle — or rather, worth dramatically (cult-like) changing our lifestyles to make them compatible with the structures and codes of further existence of Earthling living inside the biosphere Earth.

Y’all, all I’m doing is harvesting sunshine into the food code that life needs to connect/communicate/collapse with conscious life on Earth. I’m combining the sphere with the seed and witnessing the collapse that ensures life inside my future 3+1 narrative. The code of the seed is forgiving. It will do its best to spin up what is explained to it, but the nutrients (trace elements that combine the human hologram) must be present in the soil to be extracted by the seed. Nevertheless, the seed will do what it must to create the next closest facsimile to what the starved seed can provide to the life that needs to harvest its code in order to survive.

Existence is a series of waves of spheres of electromagnetic light code from the sun, hitting a compiler (biosphere), compiling said light(s) into stacks of meaning for the subsequent spinning spheres to connect/communicate/collapse, and so on.

Your Food is Suspect (Sus)

Take it from me — a dirt witch: to successfully mine nutritious food code (spin seed/air/water/earth/collapse), you must be able to see reality outside the conscious narrative. I use my intuitive (developed) understanding of the underlying quantum reality to inform what chess pieces to move inside the conscious narrative to rendezvous in orbit with the future sphere(s) around my farm that includes food to harvest. I can only do this because I am human (I worked hard to become so). As a food coder, I must understand which narrative pieces are mine to move. You can’t play the game if you can’t see the board. We are explaining life to one another (intergenerationally) as if it is a flat-board game — past, present, and future. The board is a sphere. The game orbits the past around a sphere of the future(s), compiling the math of the past.

We are Inside the 3+1 (coded up from the quantum 2+1…before time)

Society hasn’t successfully implemented the correct 3+1 code of human existence — but it doesn’t want you to do anything about it. I dissent. Why don’t you?

A profound pattern emerges in the intricate labyrinth of existence, revealing the foundational blueprint of reality and consciousness: the “3+1 narratives.” Inside our visible-light causality universe, this concept harmoniously integrates three elements with a crucial fourth factor — conscious observation (time: conscious collapse stacked into meaning), unveiling a universal matrix that underpins the natural world, human experience, and the cosmos.

Out of the Darkness / Into the Light

From the quantum intricacies of particles to the vast orchestration of celestial bodies and from the depths of human consciousness to the complexities of societal structures, these narratives offer a key to understanding the interwoven tapestry of life. As we unravel these patterns, we gain knowledge and wisdom about the interconnectedness and the profound harmony that governs existence. What follows is an expansive and revelatory list, a testament to the elegance and complexity of the world we inhabit and the minds we possess to comprehend it.

Narrative of the 3D Hologram — Universe of Visible Light

1. Quantum Mechanics: Color, Charge, Spin (Quarks, Gluons, Boson)

(There is no time in the quantum of existence. Time is us).

2. Biosphere: Atmosphere, Hydrosphere, Lithosphere

(+1 Human Consciousness)

(codes into Air/Water/Food…LIFE)

3. Human Brain: Cerebrum, Cerebellum, Brainstem

(+1 Consciousness).

4. Environmental Cycles: Water Cycle, Carbon Cycle, Nitrogen Cycle

(+1 Human Impact)

5. States of Matter (standard narrative): Solid, Liquid, Gas

(+1 Conscious collapse).

6. Human Emotions: Joy, Sadness, Anger

(+1 Time).

7. Classical Music: Melody, Harmony, Rhythm

(+1 Human Consciousness).

8. Art: Balance, Contrast, Harmony

(+1 Time).

9. Theatre: Actor, Director, Script

(+1 Audience).

10. Sports: Strength, Speed, Endurance


11. Mathematics: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication

(+1 Division).

12. Physics: Length, Mass, Time

(+1 Electric Charge).

13. Economics: Labor, Land, Capital

(+1 Transactions over Time).

14. Astronomy: Planets, Stars, Galaxies

(+1 Dark Matter/Energy).

15. Societal Structure: Family, Education, Government

(+1 Culture).

16. Language: Phonology, Morphology, Syntax

(+1 Semantics).

17. Computer Science: Bits, Bytes, Blocks (+1 File Systems).

18. Health and Wellness: Physical, Emotional, Mental Health (+1 Spiritual Well-being).

19. Literary Analysis: Plot, Characters, Setting

(+1 Theme).

20. Culinary Arts: Flavor, Aroma, Texture

(+1 Presentation).

The Code of Human Existence Inside a Living Sphere

21. Love. Courage. Wisdom

+Fear — that your lifestyle will destroy your life if you don’t do something about it.

My name is Farmer Josh. I’m trying to find a way to create a human food system for Earth. Come see us discover our food on YouTube:

Join my Patreon:



Farmer Josh McClary
New Earth Consciousness

Farm Steward/Artist/Dirt Witch trying to discover a food system for Earthlings at Consideration Farm, USA.