Do Not Fear the Darkness

The Darkness is You

Cosmo Zen (Sophia's Avatar)
New Earth Consciousness
4 min readSep 6, 2024


Abstract painting of light and dark colors
Image generated by the Author with Midjourney

As we progress on the ascension journey, a common experience we might have is the sense of being attacked by the false Matrix. This attack could be perceived as coming from various sources, such as psychic weaponry, some form of alien/demon/archon, or some malicious implant or logic virus.

These are often seen as the “gatekeepers”, manifestations from the false Matrix and their malevolent overseers to “shut down” these awakening individuals. I don’t doubt the truth or significance of this, but I believe there is also a higher order truth that we must acknowledge if we truly intend to step into our full sovereignty as vessels of the Creator.

That truth is this. As a Creator being, your eventual return to the Divine Matrix is predestined. It is part of every future timeline because it is impossible for you to be permanently separated from your essential nature, as that would be a contradiction of Being itself. Your awakening is something that has been planned out far ahead of any lower entity’s ability to interfere with, and it can only be delayed in accordance with your own free will.

From this perspective, we might start to view these attacks as being part of that plan, perhaps even an essential one. In some sense, it is a kind of test given by God, but the twist is that it is you giving yourself a test of your own readiness to embrace your divinity. As we are all God, we are all infinitely worthy in faith and character, but not all of us are ready. At some level, we have all planned our own times at which we will awaken, before which we intend to fully experience life in its more incarnate forms.

These “tests”, therefore, are really manifestations of the unconscious blocks we’ve placed in front of our own awakening paths, principally in the form of fear and self-doubt. Although it appears to be from an external source, it operates through the darkness that is already within you, exerting its influence outside of your awareness. Thus, an “attack” from these dark ones is really an opportunity to confront what has been subconsciously sabotaging you. The reason it is appearing now is because you yourself have decided that you are prepared to face it head on.

When these dark ones appear, consider that it is really a part of you. It is something that, in the shadows of your psyche, has been whispering messages that you are not good enough, that you are not truly loved, that you need protection and approval, and that you must mask your true nature. By confronting them in their most blatant form, yet choosing to accept the truth of divine love and your self-worth, you free yourself from their invisible chains and cast these shadows back into the light. From then on, they will be among your greatest allies on the path to ascension.

The dark ones are easy to recognize as they cannot replicate divine love — their frequencies are not even in the same octave. Their method of attack also follows predictable patterns. They may try to discredit your spiritual experiences, or show you “evidence” that God doesn’t exist or care about you. They may magnify your fears and foibles to make you doubt your judgment, and try to assure you that they are simply looking out for your best interests. They will try to make you think you are lost and powerless.

In bygone times, this might have been a successful strategy (which is to say, we as God allowed it to be successful because we did not intend to awaken so soon). But we are living in a time of accelerated global awakening where corroborating data points are abundant and ubiquitous. God has revealed his/her love to us in a nigh infinite number of ways, through stories, music, science, art, intuition, and direct revelations. There is nowhere for the false matrix to hide except in the shadow of willful ignorance (meaning simply an act of free choice, not necessarily a moral failing).

Nonetheless, the darkness can be quite persistent and persuasive, so do not be disheartened if it takes some time to vanquish, or if God does not step in to intervene. Once again, you are God. Not only are these attacks something you can handle, they are something you must handle as your own sovereign soul, reasserting its power over fear and self-doubt through the choice to remember love.

If you’ve seen the Harry Potter movies, then you know about the Patronus charm and its power against the Dementors, the dark entities who prey on fear but are repelled by memories of joy. This is exactly the metaphoric weapon that arms you in these encounters, as the memory of love (and joy, gratitude, wonder) always brings back the light. As your vibration rises, the darkness scatters as it can no longer touch you. What is left is your true essence as a Creator being realizing itself.

Therefore do not fear the dark. Darkness is not a danger to be avoided, but an opportunity to confront that which already exists in the shadows of your undivided self. Approach it as an adventure being written.

