Do Souls Exist? Basics Of Spirituality-3

Kashish Gambhir
New Earth Consciousness
2 min readMar 11, 2024


Image Credits: Canva Pro

Do Souls Exist? This question delves into the essence of our being, contemplating the very fabric of existence.

You, as an individual, are not merely a body; you are a soul housed in a human form.

You are the SOUL but in a human body.
A bird is also a Soul but in a Bird’s body.
An animal is also a Soul but in an animal’s body.

The diversity of living beings manifests as various souls inhabiting distinct bodies, and at times, souls exist without any allotted form, known to us as spirits or ghosts.

Zooming into the complexity of a single human being, if we analyze, every human being, each is made of mind, body, and soul.

The animating force within humans, the very essence that brings life to the body, is what we define as the soul. Consequently, every interaction with a fellow being involves connecting with another soul.

The recognition of this shared essence, this fundamental connection, is a cornerstone of spiritual insight.

This profound understanding often emerges during moments of self-realization or god-realization, as articulated by Sri Krishna’s proclamation in the Bhagavad Gita, ‘I am in everyone.’

