Don’t Give Up on Enlightenment.
Here are four ways to get closer right now.
It is a long journey toward a state of wisdom, sovereignty, and oneness. Being human is no easy undertaking. It is a long and winding road toward enlightenment. Bliss doesn’t happen overnight.
Even when it seems nearly impossible, there are things you can do right now to perpetuate your upward spiral toward the light. There are always choices you can make in your thoughts and in your actions to go in that direction. Sometimes all we can do is take baby steps.
Strong emotions and a feeling of hopelessness can often cloud the judgement. Along the way, you may forget who you are and why you’re here. The world may be too heavy to bear at times. But it is all a challenge and a test from the universe to raise you to new heights. If you can transcend the hard times and transmute the pain, you will be invincible.
But sometimes, all you can do is survive. Hang on tightly to whatever keeps you going, wait until the storm passes, and start again when it becomes easier. When the wind dies down, you can begin the climb toward divine light again. It’s at the top of this mountain, and I promise, there is a way to get there. You’ve already come so far.
When darkness descends upon your life, as it does for us all now and again, you…