Channeled Poetry from My Energy Group

Each New Moment is a Miracle

The truth is, there never was and never will be another moment like this one.

Alan Lew
New Earth Consciousness
2 min readApr 11, 2022


by David Barrie (, cc-by)

Every Moment is Magical.
Every moment is special.
There will never be another moment like this moment.

There has never been one like this in the past.
There will never be another like this in the future.
Cherish each moment.

Be here now, in this moment.
This is the only reality that exists
the infinite moment point of being, of beingness.

It is in this infinite moment point that
pure witnessing,
pure consciousness,
pure awareness,
is present.

With no judgments,
no thoughts,
no past,
no future
just beingness.

And it will never be the same
it will always change.



Alan Lew
New Earth Consciousness

Anything and Everything is Possible in an Infinite Universe — (paywall-free article links)