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Recognize And Trust The Universe’s Signs

The signs help to walk life’s journey, avoiding unnecessary struggle, hardship, and delays while unfolding magic

Blue Savira
5 min readFeb 23, 2024


Life is a beautiful yet challenging journey where we experience various ups and downs. It’s a process of constant growth and change; sometimes, we might feel lost while trying to achieve our dreams.

We often set goals and intentions as we strive to find happiness and purpose. However, it’s important to remember that we are not alone. We are co-creators in the universe, continually offering guidance and signs to help us navigate our paths.

Like a treasure hunt, the universe communicates with us subtly and mysteriously. We must learn to listen and trust the signs it sends us. The universe always has our best interests at heart, and if we disregard its signs, we risk facing roadblocks, delays, or even accidents.

Recognizing the signs

The universe communicates with us through myriad signs — subtle whispers, serendipitous encounters, and intuitive nudges. Opening ourselves to these messages isn’t just about paying attention; it’s about embracing a sense of openness and receptivity to the universe’s notes.

The universe sends us messages of confirmation, validation, guidance, and often warning through inspiration, words said by someone sitting next to us in the metro, a song, numbers, nature, etc.

Recognizing the signs is crucial. Intuition, the gut feeling, is the best tool to decrypt the subtle messages.

In today’s fast-paced world, hearing the universe’s voice amidst the noise can be challenging. Our ego often dominates our thoughts and distracts us from the subtle guidance that could lead us on the right path.

To truly listen to the universe, we must learn to quiet our inner chatter and detach ourselves from our desires. Only then can we allow the universe’s wisdom to penetrate our being.

Trust the signs

We have the opportunity to ask for signs or receive them without asking. Anyhow, when we co-create, it’s essential to pay attention and trust the message.

Sometimes, we request support for a particular situation, and the universe responds with help, but it may not be in the way or at the time we were expecting.

Thus, we may fall into the trap of waiting for a specific kind of support and disregarding the support offered by the universe because it doesn’t match our desired outcome. Alternatively, we may ignore the support because we set an exact deadline.

Rather than seeking specific signs, it’s about surrendering to the divine orchestration of life and trusting that the universe will guide us exactly where we need to be.

This means we must learn to surrender and accept a bigger plan, even if it differs from our vision or desires, believing that everything always works out for our highest good.

It’s worth it, although sometimes, it might initially seem like something other than that.

I bet we all have at least one example where Bob Ross’s quote: “There are no mistakes, just happy accidents. beautifully manifested in our lives.

Let the magic unfold

When we follow the signs, there is a magical dance between the seen and unseen, the known and unknown.

There’s a certain magic in surrendering to the universe’s guidance — it’s like stepping onto a path paved with synchronicity and serendipity, where every twist and turn holds the promise of something extraordinary.

In these moments of alignment, we glimpse the true wonders of existence, experiencing firsthand the boundless possibilities that unfold when we trust in the wisdom of the cosmos.

By taking this more playful and lighthearted approach, we can reduce attachment to the outcome and create space for opportunities and surprises.

Ignoring the signs

While following the signs can lead us on a path of growth and fulfillment, it’s equally important to recognize the consequences of ignoring these subtle messages from the universe.

Sometimes, we hear the message but might not like it. We tend to impose our perspective on the universe, forgetting that in this “game,” the universe always wins.

Turning a blind eye to the signs isn’t just risky — it’s like willingly walking into a storm without an umbrella, oblivious to the thunder rumbling in the distance.

Going against the universe’s guidance can result in achieving our goals through sheer willpower, but often at the cost of unnecessary struggle, hardship, and delays.

The universe is generous and offers multiple chances. Signs are sent to direct us, becoming louder if ignored. In this case, we force the universe to intervene through unforeseen obstacles or course corrections, nudging us back onto the alignment path with our highest good.

Conclusions and reflections

In conclusion, we can progress and improve by staying curious and receptive to guidance. By following the signs and trusting the messages we receive, we allow synchronicities into our lives that guide us along the way.

As we’ve explored the concept of following the signs, here below are some reflections that personally helped me recognize, follow, and trust the signs:

1. Reflect on Your Journey
Take some time to reflect on your life journey. What signs have you encountered along the way? How did you respond to them, and what were the outcomes? Keep a journal or note about them to deepen your understanding of your relationship with divine guidance.

2. Actively Listen to Signs
Pause and connect with your intuition. Ask the universe for a sign regarding a current challenge or decision in your life. Be open to receiving guidance in unexpected ways, and trust that the universe is guiding you toward your highest good. Pay attention to any subtle nudges or synchronicities that may arise.

3. Learn from Past Ignored Signs
Consider when you ignored a sign from the universe. What were the consequences, and what did you learn from that experience? How can you apply that lesson to future situations? Use this reflection as an opportunity for growth and course correction on your journey.

4. Cultivate Daily Practices
Consider cultivating a deeper connection to the universe and its guidance in a world of noise and distractions. What daily practices or habits can you incorporate to stay attuned to the signs around you? Whether meditation, journaling, spending time in nature, or simply quieting your mind, find rituals that resonate with you and support your spiritual journey.

By embracing these calls to action, we can deepen our connection to the universe’s guidance and walk life’s journey with clarity, purpose, and trust. Remember, the universe always speaks to us; it’s up to us to listen, tune in, and play with it.

For you

If you have read until now, I hope this article assists you in imagining yourself on a mystical treasure hunt. Every sign you come across is a precious gem that brings you closer to your ultimate destination. Let the thrill of discovery propel you forward, assured that the universe works to your benefit. I wish you good luck and hope you enjoy the hunt!

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Blue Savira

I write for myself, to myself. I not claiming to teach but to connect with others on a journey of self-reflection and discovery