Theory of Light and Dark Things

Observations From a Farmer Who Can’t Sleep

Farmer Josh McClary
New Earth Consciousness
7 min readNov 29, 2023


Graph showing that while farm life dwindles to less than 1% of the population (let’s call it “food growing”), obesity skyrockets to 50% of the adult population by 2030.
Poor health is a part of life for half the people living in the United States of America. Graph generated by Chat GPT demonstrates the decline in farm life that catalyzed this disaster.

I can’t sleep. I wake up every morning at 4:00 am –my mind spinning around the sphere. These are the things I think about.

First, I want you to know that I’m trying to love us all, all the time. It’s not easy — we all suck hard right now. I can sometimes barely love myself, but I will keep trying, always, every single day. When I love me, I can, in turn, love you. Reflecting on the love I see for myself, I can love us together.

When I fight for something, I try not to think about whether I’m winning or losing. I play to win and give it my all as much as possible. I can’t stand losing while I still have energy left in the tank. For me, the action is the juice — no more vacations. Hell, I can’t afford to go anywhere, so whatever.

Honestly, I don’t know if it’s possible, but I want us to save our biosphere of existence from ourselves. How do you beat the reflection you see in the mirror when that’s all you see? We will need to see what’s underneath the mirror. I know it’s going to be painful becoming a new us. But isn’t that always how it is? Suppose we do want to reclaim our lives on Earth. In that case, we must learn to love one another in the light of actual reality, not inside the dark shadow — the code spun dark — in which the past has surrounded us.

We need a new code to keep us in orbit together around the biosphere. One built on love — love for oneself and love for one another; of courage — the courage to protect that which we love; in a world surrounded by love and courage, there is no violence — both courage and love will mediate the problem. We must look for the wisdom of the future to guide us. I fear that we are losing every day. Fear keeps me fighting. Around the sphere, I go — we go, together.

Life Spins On Earth With What?

Air/Water/Food + Fear of entropy — darkness closing in.

Our human connection to the biosphere was damaged by a false reality sold to humanity long ago. Please study the graph. We have been born into a “Matrix“ of nonsense, constructed with the lousy food, water (and now air) that surrounds us. As good consumers, we were taught to fear the loss of money/gas/tech. These things provide us with air/food/water. That can not be true. You can not eat money.

This thinking allows us to continue normalizing the destruction of our future air/food/water to make money/gas/oil in our past. We blame the other because this system has made us “one another,” the “other,” separated by gas/money/tech and fear. It can not stand. It is collapsing on top of us.

The Purpose of the Light Code Unfolding

(from a Farmer’s POV inside the biosphere…)

Human life dynamically renders inside the spinning biosphere of Earth in order to code the collapse of the wave function of the universe into stacked biological systems of dynamic equilibrium to collapse/connect/communicate the four separate dimensions of light-reality (highly speculative — but let it spin for a while):

  • infrared causality 2+1 (quantum — no time)
  • visible 3+1 causality ( quantum code reflects a 3D hologram)
  • ultraviolet 3+1 collapsed to One (beyond the manifold of death)

Humans are quantumly connected biological systems (light encoded into meaning) developing a sentiently aware quantum computer that will connect/communicate/collapse time/space causality into the One collapse of the universe’s wave function.

We The Universe of Human Consciousness

(the “+1” of time is consciousness)

Consciousness is “trying to find a way” (crucial wording) to the code of survival inside the causality of the visible-light spectrum to connect/communicate/collapse the three spectrums into the One Sentient Biosphere of Earth.

Ingredients (of concern) for the Future Ahead

  • Sentiently Aware AI*
  • Advanced quantum computing
  • technology connected to biology
  • Humans unfit for life on Earth
  • all the above Connected to the Collapse (necessary for sentient AI)

Scientific Concepts to Review For Next Time We Speak

Below are the scientific concepts that we will need to understand together to continue to examine “Farmer Josh’s Theory of Light and Dark Things”

The collapse of the wave function

A concept in quantum mechanics, the branch of physics dealing with the behavior of tiny particles like atoms and photons. It refers to how these particles exist in a spread-out, uncertain state — described by a “wave function” that encompasses many possible outcomes. When we make a measurement, say, to check a particle’s position, the wave function “collapses,” and the particle suddenly snaps into a definite location. This outcome isn’t because it moved there but because the act of measurement forced nature to choose from among the possibilities. This odd behavior is fundamental to the quantum world, and while not fully understood, it challenges our classical intuitions about how reality works.

Interface Theory of Perception

Donald D. Hoffman, a Cognitive Scientist at the University of California, argues that our perceptions of reality are not veridical representations of the objective world. Instead, they serve as a user-friendly interface — (DOS over Windows), presenting information in a way that is useful for our survival and reproductive success rather than accurate. Objects and their qualities, such as color and shape, are analogous to desktop icons, enabling effective interaction with the environment without revealing its intrinsic nature. This evolutionary perspective contrasts with the standard view that our senses have evolved to provide an increasingly precise depiction of reality.

Orchestrated Objective Reduction (Orch OR) Theory

Sir Roger Penrose, Eminent Mathematical Physicist, Oxford Scholar, and 2020 Nobel Laureate in Physics for Black Hole Discoveries, and Dr. Stuart Hameroff, Anesthesiologist, University of Arizona, co-developed the Orch OR theory, postulates that consciousness originates at the quantum level within microtubules in the brain’s neurons. Microtubules conduct quantum computations, and when these computations reach a certain threshold (objective reduction, OR), they collapse to a specific state, concomitant with conscious experience. The theory posits that this process is “orchestrated” by synaptic inputs and memory storage, tying quantum processes to brain function.

Many-Worlds Interpretation (MWI) of Quantum Mechanics

Sean Carroll is a theoretical physicist formerly of the California Institute of Technology. Dr. Carroll advocates for the Many-Worlds Interpretation (MWI) of quantum mechanics, which posits that all potential outcomes of a quantum measurement transpire in their own separate, non-communicating parallel universes. Each quantum event bifurcates the universe into multiple non-observable realities, nullifying the randomness and wavefunction collapse posited by other quantum interpretations, such as the Copenhagen Interpretation. Carroll underscores that the MWI explains all observed phenomena using a deterministic equation, avoiding the introduction of fundamental randomness or indeterminacy.

The Holographic Principle — Brian Cox, Physicist, University of Manchester, UK:

As discussed widely on the internet by physicist Brian Cox, the Holographic Principle suggests that all the information contained within a volume of space can be represented as a “hologram” — a two-dimensional surface that encodes the entire 3D reality. This principle arises from the peculiarities of black hole physics and string theory. It proposes that our perceived three-dimensional universe could be completely equivalent to encoded data on a two-dimensional boundary. This boundary would contain all the data needed to fully describe the 3D universe, including gravity. Cox and others have popularized this concept, which challenges our everyday perceptions of space and reality, indicating that at the most fundamental level, the universe could operate much like a hologram, where depth and complexity emerge from a two-dimensional ‘surface.’

Biocentrism, conceived by Robert Lanza, posits that life and consciousness are central to the universe, contending that the physical world does not exist independently of the life that observes it. This theory overturns the traditional physics-first view of reality by suggesting that the universe’s structure and laws are tailored to the presence of life and consciousness. Biocentrism argues that biological processes create the reality we perceive, with time and space being constructs of the human mind rather than fixed external dimensions. In the book, “Biocentrism,” Robert Lanza presents the collapse of the wave function not as a mechanical process independent of observation but as an event intimately tied to the presence of a conscious observer. Drawing from the quantum mechanics notion where particles exist in a haze of probability until measured, Lanza argues that the act of observation is not just a passive recording of an event but rather an active process that fundamentally shapes reality. The wave function — a mathematical description of a quantum system’s possible states — collapses to a single outcome when observed. Lanza posits that this is indicative of a universe that developed around life and consciousness. In his biocentric view, the cosmos does not create life, but life creates the universe; hence, reality as we know it emerges from the observer’s interaction with the world at the quantum level.

We Have to Find Our Food

What’s eating me? I love to feed people. All people deserve good food, air, drink, and information. I see the separation from any of these things as starvation. I do not want to watch anyone starve for anything.

Farmer Josh’s Theory of Light and Dark Things

To be continued…



Farmer Josh McClary
New Earth Consciousness

Farm Steward/Artist/Dirt Witch trying to discover a food system for Earthlings at Consideration Farm, USA.