Forces of Nature come from the Light

Gravity Comes from the Darkness

Farmer Josh McClary
New Earth Consciousness
5 min readJan 4, 2024


Abstract representation of the interplay between light and darkness, symbolizing consciousness, binary coding, and natural forces. Features a radiant light sphere for ‘On’ and consciousness, with surrounding nebulous darkness for ‘Off’ and the unknown. Includes binary codes, Fibonacci sequence, a rising phoenix, and a Polaroid camera, blending elements of nature and human imagination. Background suggests cosmic mysteries and the energy-matter interplay. Image generated by OpenAI’s DALL-E.
The image was generated by Famer Josh using OpenAI’s DALL-E, a powerful AI model capable of creating complex and thematic visual representations based on text descriptions. Prompt text: Please generate an image to accompany this article for Medium.

When I was a young marketing manager inside a publishing company, I sent an email to an editorial assistant that made her cry. My boss, the Director of Marketing, called me into her office for a sit-down. I took a seat as she read over the email in silence. When we were done, we sat in silence briefly, as I recall, as she contemplated how to guide this young fireball. This is what I remember her saying to me, something like:

“Everything you told her to do was correct. None of the words were wrong or inappropriate. It was the bullet points that did it, I think. You have to watch the bullets.”

In the Beginning and the End

Everything, all of existence, must be reducible to three things:

  • Light (On)
  • Manifold
  • Dark (Off)

Coding For Idiots

I do specifically mean to sell to “idiots” because those are the books I used to sell. The company I worked for, MCP, out of Indpls., passed on the “Dummies” guides, and that dude formed his own publishing house, IDG, and then made what mathematicians and scientists alike refer to as a “SHIT TON” of money — true story (or at least the one I heard).

I heard this, too: The binary spectrum, 0 and 1, forms the coding language. On is symbolized by 1, Manifold by 10110, and Off by 0. The image concludes with the first three Fibonacci digits (011):

║ Coding in Binary: ║
║ On, Manifold, Off ║
║ ║
║ Binary Spectrum: 0 and 1 ║
║ ║
║ On State: 1 ║
║ ║
║ Manifold State: 10110 ║
║ ║
║ Off State: 0 ║
║ ║
║ Fibonacci Sequence: 011 ║
║ ║

Modern Human Lifestyle (not life) is Bankrupt.

I have been through personal bankruptcy twice. Why? Because, well, that is a possible outcome of playing the capitalist game as defined by the rule of law, as well as the probability of outcomes. Plus, I can be a real idiot sometimes with money.

What’s great about financial ruin is you feel like you are dying every day, but you don’t. You survive the bounce off the bottom. That’s the whole point of the process: it allows you not to end the game. And so, like the phoenix, you rise to play with one another inside the light of the sphere again. Once risen inside this game, you can remember how you played the last time — including the moves you made that destroyed you (almost). And so, if you were paying attention as you burned to the ground when you rise again, you are stronger than you could have imagined from the other side of the manifold of pain that kept you suffering inside your own financial ruin.

Rising from the Ashes of Your

Being forced into conscious awareness by absolute failure (which requires strong survival muscles), I can not so easily hide from the (our) future as it burns toward us. After burning myself with my own stupidity and misunderstandings of reality, I decided, I shalt do it thrice.

I can see that we are all playing musical chairs with our time on Earth. My dad called it “grab ass.” NO ONE can win this game. We should try to change the game so that we all (the living inside the future) have a path to win.

Math in the End

I can tell you this — having been a loser playing a losing game, you will see the wall coming before you hit it. You’ll tell yourself it’s not there, but it’s all math. In the end, the math of the heat renders the math of the geometry of consciousness — not the other way around. Maybe I’m wrong, and there really is a HUGE white man with a beard lording over us through his benevolent son born a virgin. Still, when I hear the scientists spin up their yarns, I add in my dirt-witch perspective (grower of life), AND mix in my human IMAGINATION (a powerful tool we will all need to use to imagine a better future together); this is how I see the sphere we live inside:

Consciousness is a sphere of information/Energy –an interaction between Earth and Sun, emerging in multidimensional, multigenerational codes of light called LIFE–compiled (inside the manifold before the darkness) in an effort to provide geometric (math) meaning to the underlying binary (math) meaning of the thermodynamic, quantum code of existence.

Time is Consciousness observing the encoded stacks of the underlying quantum collapse of the wave function — which has been packaged and encoded (stacked/racked/folded around the sphere).

Human Consciousness is an interdimensional Polaroid camera compiling a sphere of reality by collapsing human sensory information into moments of geometric meaning. The donkey, ducks, geese, and chickens have their own universe — ours has time. Perhaps the dolphins experience time, too? I’ve heard stories leading me to believe that dolphins encode time.

ACT 1: Infrared Light Reality

  • Quantum of Existence: Light/Manifold/Dark — 1/0
  • Unfolding at the speed of light (in a vacuum — biosphere is not a vacuum).
  • This IS the infrared light reality — it needs to be captured in some way into meaning…

Vacuum: Slowing down light against the darkness inside the biosphere creates meaning against the darkness beyond the biosphere.

Act 2: Visible Light Reality

  • otherwise known as “the known universe
  • This is consciousness
  • Do you see how tidy this is for adding meaning to the underlying quantum binary code?

This next part is pure imagination, but I can game out no other truth with the information currently available to me.

Act 3: Ultraviolet Reality

(should we be calling it Energy/Matter or something else?)

Where does the mechanism for the math of consciousness go when it leaves Consciousness?

  • Dark Matter / Death / Gravity — ALL connected somehow?
  • Religion: an attempt to make sense of what is unseen but still there?
  • Philosophy: an educated attempt to make sense of information without math?
  • Art — trying to show us the interdimensional/intergenerational truth?
  • Blockholes: information/energy exiting the sphere (or something else)?


  • Everything is reducible to the math of existence as I have described it (?)
  • And we already know that Gravity is not a force of the lights (this is fundamental science).

Then Gravity must come from the darkness as it influences the sphere inside the lights.



Farmer Josh McClary
New Earth Consciousness

Farm Steward/Artist/Dirt Witch trying to discover a food system for Earthlings at Consideration Farm, USA.