Gateway to Ascension and the Tunnel of Transformation in 2024

Access the New Earth Reality through the Cosmic Waves of Restorative Energy. Explore Unexpected Ascension Symptoms.

Shannon MacDonald
New Earth Consciousness
7 min readJan 13, 2024


A person getting ready to step through a cosmic portal in preparation for Ascension to New Earth.
Image by author via Canva ai app

Have you been feeling like something is off lately?

I’m not speaking about worldly affairs. We all have our own spin on the state of the world and how we got here.

Is something not quite right or feels different, even if your life appears to be the same?

Since entering the New Year, this has been my inner dialogue and ongoing discussion with others who are on a spiritual path.

2024 marks the Gateway to Ascension, unlocking the Tunnel of Transformation and the New Earth Reality.

Why do I call 2024 the Gateway to Ascension and Tunnel of Transformation? Because Earth Realm Reality has entered into a cosmic tidal wave of restorative energy, a Portal to infinite possibilities and potentials. As with any tidal wave, some disruption will occur before things return to normal.

Think of a train that has lost control of its speed. The explosive acceleration transforms moderate bumps and curves on the tracks into treacherous and foreboding terrain.

As you gaze out the window, you see the train speeding out of control while the landscape changes into unfamiliar territory before your eyes.

You look around and notice people absent-mindedly sipping their lattes or scrolling through social media, oblivious to the turmoil and terrain changes.

Others are frantically running back and forth, thrashing their arms and screaming about the crash and impending doom. You and a few others observe this dichotomy with calm yet perplexed eyes as differing realities occupy the same space.

When Realities Collide

We are all on that hypothetical speeding train. However, think of this train as a place you call Earth. Some of us realize we are undergoing a cosmic shift of epic proportions, often called Ascension. Others are frantic with fear or keep their heads buried in distractions and denial.

The turbulent ride of the past few years has created deep wounds in our collective psyche. We have not yet recuperated from all of its devastating effects. Still, we hold on to the hope that humanity will unite and heal.

Many of us have consciously or subconsciously tuned our thoughts and energy into the grand orchestra of the Divine Universe in preparation for our collective Great Awakening and Ascension to New Earth Reality.

As we look beyond the programs of conditioned awareness, we notice that not everything is as it seems or once believed. We may concurrently feel a sense of doom for our old paradigm, while having a renewed hope for humanity as our higher awareness guides our inner vision and outer actions.

The Tunnel of Transformation

I first became aware of the Tunnel of Transformation while awakening from a dream message.

The short explanation is that the Tunnel is a portal, constructed to ease our transition from one reality to the next. It is a living conduit of higher dimensional energy and wisdom to help us navigate our Ascension process and learn to accept and adapt to the transforming nature of reality. This Tunnel acts as a buffer and a safe passage between paradigms.

As more of us remember the truth of who we are as conscious creators and beings of Eternal Life and Infinite Creation, we Ascend to the next level of Reality.

There are infinite opportunities to ascend or descend in consciousness, or we can stay tuned to the reality we are most comfortable with. To complicate things more, we have access to all realities, yet we are only aware of one in this time-space sequence.

Much of humanity, whether awakening or still asleep in a dream of forgetfulness, is experiencing chaotic frequencies of fear and illusion that wreak havoc on our energetic microbiomes. These frequencies can leave us feeling depressed or disconnected from our higher awareness, and cause us to question our own spiritual journey or our Starseed mission.

The discordant frequencies of our altered reality do their best to bring us out of resonance with our true nature, as conscious creators in alignment with Source Energy.

In my channeled book, New Earth Rising, I provide more details about this and how to break free from the programs of fear and illusion that control our collective consciousness.

As we enter the Tunnel of Transformation in 2024, some are experiencing moments of perception that seem to merge into a kaleidoscope of memories and dreamlike states before re-adjusting to their current perception of physical reality. This can be startling and scary, especially if they are experiencing adverse physical or psychological symptoms, or if there isn’t an emotional or spiritual support system in place for them.

There may be a sense of dread, impending doom, or fear when things feel out of control, and the landscape of reality is changing. Please seek professional care if you need to. We all know how powerful our minds can be, and there is no shame in getting help if you need it. On a higher note, hold your frequency strong, dear one, and know that you are not crazy, and that you are not alone.

Ascension Symptoms

You may have heard the term ascension symptoms before. Whenever there is a disconnect from your natural state of being, it is not unusual to experience physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual symptoms that make you feel stressed, confused, tired, angry, uncomfortable, fearful, worried, hopeless, and so on. Symptoms such as these can lead to experiencing real mental and physical pain, suffering, disharmony, and disease.

As we engage in a spiritual war for our Great Liberation of consciousness to a New Earth reality, our physical bodies undergo a quantum upgrade in consciousness. Simultaneously, we are detoxing from the energetic malignancies that have plagued our paradigm for eons.

Ascension symptoms can also manifest in ways you may not expect. They are indicators or messages from the Universe that you may need to pay attention to, and explore their higher meanings. The examples below are a few ascension symptoms one may experience during a quantum transformation to higher consciousness. I am certain you will have your own to add.

  • Have some of your closest relationships recently fractured or collapsed without an ounce of warning?
  • Do your dreams leave you feeling as if you have been fighting a battle in your sleep?
  • Do you wake up with an “ah ha” and immediately forget what you knew?
  • Do you experience sudden, extreme temperature changes in your body for no apparent reason?
  • Are you more tired, emotional, restless, or irritable than usual?
  • Do you have a driving urge to remove material clutter and simplify your personal space?
  • Do you sense a change or shift is coming but can’t put your finger on it?

Keep in mind that realities collide all the time. The path of possibilities and potentials change faster than you can change your mind.

As we enter the Tunnel of Transformation, some of us are more aware of shifting realities than others.

The important thing to know here is that we all make it on this wild and crazy train ride of existence.

The collision some expect or don’t even notice is one potential in the ever-evolving Order of Reality. The continuation of life branches into infinite existences beyond the known rules of time and space.

What is Ascension?

Ascension is awakening to the truth of who you are, as you become liberated from the darkness and return to The Light.

From the book New Earth Rising, by Shannon MacDonald

Image of the book cover, New Earth Rising by Shannon MacDonald
Image by Shannon MacDonald

Ascension is your birthright and is ever-present within you. Ascension is not a time, place, or something outside of yourself. It is a shift in your predominant energy, limiting beliefs, and perception of reality. Ascension is awakening to the truth of who you are as a being of eternal Life and infinite Creation liberated from the programs of fear and controlled consciousness.

As you allow yourself to look beyond your current reality and listen to the harmonizing frequencies of Ascension within, you will raise your awareness to enlightened states of being. You will be the source of your inspiration and the conduit for your Ascension to flow. But first, there may be some inner work to do or reality adjustments to accept as you enter the Tunnel of Transformation this year.

Get ready. The wave is coming! Will you fight or flow with the landscape of shifting reality to the New Earth paradigm?

💗 Shannon MacDonald

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Image of the book cover, The Other Side of Ascension by Shannon MacDonald
Image by Shannon MacDonald

I write paradigm-shifting books and offer heart-opening services and events to support spiritual awakening, enlightened living, and conscious creation.








Shannon MacDonald
New Earth Consciousness

I'm an author, healer & ascension guide. I write about spiritual awakening, ascension, and conscious creation. 🔯 ✴️