Gravity: The Wake of Time’s Wave?

Decoding the Cosmic Ripple

Farmer Josh McClary
New Earth Consciousness


vibrant movie poster capturing the theme ‘Gravity: The Wake of Time’s Wave,’ featuring cosmic elements, stars, galaxies, and a silhouette gazing upward in awe, styled in the spirit of Amblin Entertainment.

This sci-fi short I wrote will become the architecture for the first five minutes of an action/comedy concept I’m writing for Spielberg, hopefully (almost certainly not).

Farmer Josh’s Worse Nightmare

I am in the bushes out in front of Amblin Headquarters. It is raining terribly. I see Steven Spielberg outside. I scream, “Steven, Hello. Would you read my spec script for my movie?” I shake a printed script at the man as I come out of the bushes, soaked like a jerk and dressed like a farmer. He squints, then magically, like a wizard, he floats away and into a DeLorean, and he is gone.

It stops raining.

Tom Hanks says, in my head, playfully chuckling, “Farmer Josh, you idiot,” and then I wake up screaming in terror from this terrible nightmare.

It hurts when Tom Hanks is mean to you. It’s unsettling, to say the least. I finally got back to sleep to dream of more nonsense, some good, some bad, some depending on POV — none of it would ever happen inside the…



Farmer Josh McClary
New Earth Consciousness

Farm Steward/Artist/Dirt Witch trying to discover a food system for Earthlings at Consideration Farm, USA.