Goddess Series

Hecate in Her Own Words

Goddess of crossroads, boundaries, and the moon

Jocelyn Joy Thomas
New Earth Consciousness
3 min readDec 13, 2023


Photo by Anne Nygård on Unsplash

I have been working on a series of channels from the divine feminine. My next channel is from a guide I have always been curious about but only worked with a little.

Hecate has ties to Greek mythology. She is a Goddess who oversees spells and magic. She is associated with witchcraft, often depicted with the triple moon symbol. Although, it seems her greater focus is on crossroads and boundaries.

Goddess Hecate in her own words

“Hello, I am the Goddess Hecate, I welcome you. My message to you is this…

Seek to find your space in the world. Know it when you see it, and savor it. The choices you make will lead you there. There is always more to discover even once you return to the afterlife.

Choices lead you to crossroads and there you are meant to make a decision that will lead you in a new direction.”

Do not fear crossroads

“Some think crossroads are evil places, somewhere to hurry through. Do not think this way. Crossroads offer you insights. You can weigh out the roads ahead.



Jocelyn Joy Thomas
New Earth Consciousness

Author, spiritual teacher, and intuitive reader. Writing is my passion and purpose. My shop...https://jocelynjoythomas.company.site/