Hello Everybody

Andre Philippe Laisney
New Earth Consciousness
6 min readDec 2, 2022


Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash

I am writing this story for New Earth Consciousness, but I am not writing this story alone.

The planet revolves, but the sun doesn’t merely rise and set. While the planet spins, life evolves. We were all amoebas once, but we aren’t all amoebas anymore. We were all children once, but we aren’t all children any more. Time comes and goes, and as life is evolving our degree of acceptance of consciousness is evolving parallel to our physical evolution.

Like mind, consciousness is a non-physical aspect of reality. Physical things like leaves and trees have physical connections but non-physical things like consciousness have metaphysical inter-connections. Consciousness is eternal and complete and can see not only the normally apparent physical, but also the potentially unseen metaphysical interconnection of every single part of the Earth, and of all life on Earth. Consciousness is everywhere, but the physical mind tends to resist it. Not doing so is paramount, because when the physical and the metaphysical meet, the truest truth is realized. This union of consciousness with physical being is the enlightenment that can fill every being, and that every wise being seeks to accept. This is enlightenment.

