Hitting a Whole New Rock Bottom after Spiritual Awakening

Spiritual Skills Development / Here’s What You’ll Need to Do to Feel Peace

Reyna Park
New Earth Consciousness
7 min readSep 5, 2023


photo by @rawdyl on Unsplash

This is advice for navigating multidimensional awakening.

This is the story of a hard-fought battle for wisdom and peace. This is also an account of the spiritual skills that opened for me during awakening, and why these skills made rock bottom a whole new place. Are you at a low in your spiritual journey, or navigating new skills? You can make it through. I’ll give you my own story, in 3 simple parts.

I’ll tell you 1) the highs of spiritual awakening, 2) my own lows of awakening, and 3) finally we’ll talk about how to carry on and thrive when you hit those low points.

Part 1: The Highs of Awakening & The Skills

Many people are undergoing awakening here in the year 2023. You might already know that in summer of 2021 I underwent an intensely benevolent spiritual awakening. By benevolent I mean… perfect.

To put it simply,

Everything was beautiful, and nothing hurt.

This is the perfect world that we can have together.

What does perfect feel like?

During the beginning of my awakening, I did not have any fear, nor doubt of myself, or others. I would not “need” anyone to do anything, as each person was perfect to me exactly as they were. They could not “do wrong” in my eyes. If they acted in a way that felt out of alignment with me, I would simply forgive them and introduce a healthy boundary if necessary.

I did still have intrusive thoughts, but I would see them kindly out the door and not grasp them. I had many ideas and knew that I could act on them and see them come to life. I felt perfect.

I had finally realized the truth — we are divine in our essence.

I was fully embodied with my higher self. This feeling, this life force, was primarily emanating from my Solar plexus, perhaps the intersection of the heart and the Solar plexus.

As the years went by, spiritual skills began to surface.

The spiritual skills I developed in the last two years are:

  • awareness of the divine feminine and masculine,
  • awareness of and healing of shadow sides,
  • awareness of chakras in myself and others,
  • awareness of chakric blocks in myself and others,
  • awareness of karmic partners,
  • awareness of entity attachments and familial karmic attachments in myself and immediate family,
  • awareness of thoughtforms,
  • awareness of and use of telepathy,
  • awareness of and connection with human ghosts and astral plane spirits,
  • awareness of and connection with spirits of the land,
  • awareness of and connection with multidimensional beings including my Pleaidian guides and Archangels Michael and Metatron (hoping for Raphael next!),
  • awareness of “dark beings” including Reptilians and some malevolent angels that have visited me,
  • awareness of manipulation of timelines or what I call “timeline surfing,”
  • practice healing with energy clearing and the Sacred Fire* for peace and protection,
  • practice healing with manifesting and soul alignment.

*(Sacred Fire is a term coined by Lady Jhershierra)

So, all of these skills entered my life, and if you’re reading this, they have or will likely enter yours too. It is quite a journey, with incredible ups, but also its downs.

Part 2: The Lows of Awakening

i. Rapidly expanded awareness is so overwhelming.

The aforementioned awakening has been, ahem, overwhelming to my human ego brain.

I used to have a lot of trouble being in places with crowds because of how perceptive I am of others’ emotions and thoughtforms. I would sometimes be too distracted to follow a simple conversation.

I often cannot tell the difference between a person in real life touching me and a metaphysical being, such a ghost, angel, or alien touching me. Can you relate?

My experience of life has felt like a constant battle to remain grounded in the physical and not float away into the land of thoughtforms and telepathy. As lightworkers we are in a collective phase of integrating the two realities.

ii. Multidimensional consciousness as a human can be lonely.

I typically don’t relay these experiences to anyone. I’ve written before about the intense loneliness I feel, for it’s not quite time for me to be transparent about the multidimensional reality to my close family and friends. Family members ask why I cry so much/experience so much emotion, or refuse to take a job that is high-paying but rooted in human fear-based programming. Humbug! There’s too much to explain lol.

iii. Navigating fear-based programming as a 5D creature is challenging.

Aptly, a second domain for struggle has been financially, as I don’t quite feel comfortable in the “normal” 3D programming. I certainly don’t feel comfortable “advancing a bottom line” at any cost, as is the attitude here in the U.S. I spend most of my time in meditation or else volunteering to help those without means to receive adequate food, housing, or healthcare. I also make art and media. I hang with my soulmate and karmic friends, and find time to seek adventure, mostly in nature. I find this to be an important part of existence — the ability to seek and pursue adventure. Yet I feel the mounting pressure of the outside world telling me that I do not deserve to live securely unless I find some lucrative way to make money.

iv. Psychic attacks ramp up after recognition of the multidimensional reality.

It’s been hard to even think about 3D security lately when I’ve been psychically attacked by malevolent spirits and aliens who show up in my home. I feel paranoid that I won’t fulfill my soul’s plan for this lifetime, or that I’m failing in some way, because I’ve returned to feeling fear-based programming. Lately I’ve spent days crying, unsure how to proceed, feeling caught between the “real world” and the “imaginary” multidimensional world (well, wishing it was imaginary).

I had an amazing awakening. Then, the multidimensional reality intensified, and though my soul knew I was ready, my ego reeled. I hit rock bottom.

Part 3: How to Carry On (And Thrive)

What do we do when we feel disoriented by our spiritual journeys, or that we’ve hit rock bottom?

Fold to the pressure.

What? Give in to the pressure?

Yes. Give in.

Surrender yourself to perfect trust.

photo by @filbertmang at Unsplash

The struggle you are experiencing is the result of your soul shedding fear-based programming and the terms of “conditional” love.

Surrender yourself to God, or Source, or Universe (whatever you like to call your Higher Power). Trust that everything is unfolding perfectly because you are loved unconditionally.

Once you surrender to this love, all of the confusion goes away, and perfect trust emerges.

So.. how does one surrender to Source?

i. Feel your connection to Source through stillness and meditation

I cannot say this enough- connection to God is a felt experience.

You must feel it in your body. You must meditate. You must be still. You must find your connection to God, and this only happens by silencing the mind.

You must know and feel in your heart that God’s forgiveness and compassion for you are never ending, because the true nature of the Universe is unconditional love.

If you’re too “down bad” to feel your connection to God, then go through the motions of emotional healing until you can again. Feel your ugly feelings, and then comfort them. Try this RAIN meditation.

ii. Calmly dismiss fear-based programming.

Especially with the help of RAIN meditation, you’ll learn to reject the notion that you’re not good enough, or that you can fail.

You will learn to reject ideas such as “worth,” “added value,” or “productivity.” You will learn to feel worthy no matter where you are or what you are (or are not) doing.

You will learn to hush the chatter from the external world — chatter about news, finances, gossip, and anything that doesn’t feel resonant to you.

You will learn to quench your loneliness by feeling your connection to God, not by seeking validation from others.

In my last article, I said that connection to God feels like slow time. I said, “With this [connection], I’m secure. I don’t need the external validation of mentioning my multidimensional experiences to others.” Read more if you are interested.

iii. Stay active as much as you can.

Keep moving and doing the things that bring you happiness. Do not let the depression and the darkness pull you into stagnancy.

Stillness is important, but there is a difference between intentional, peaceful stillness and depressive inaction.

When you can summon the strength, invest first in activities that keep you healthy, like exercising and eating nutritious food. Invest in activities that feed your soul, like singing or building cars. Make a system or keep a spreadsheet to ensure you are doing these things frequently. This works well for me.

Keep a journal, and write affirmations — especially celebratory ones. Remind yourself that you are doing everything you need to do simply by existing. If you feel you have gotten lost in fear, come back to your connection with Source and/or your favorite activity. Your spiritual practice has never been more important — don’t give up now!

We must all shed fear based programming to move forward from here on out. The shedding will be intense. The recognition of the multidimensional world will be intense. Yet every single moment builds upon the next and makes way for unconditional love and a perfect life of peace.

By surrendering to Source, again and again, though it may be slow, tedious work, we reach a wonderful life in loving consciousness.

When you’re at your low, refer to the three guidelines above: meditate, dismiss your fears, and keep it moving.

Let me know what you think in the comments below, and thanks for listening to my story.



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