Time to Shape a Sustainable Future

Einstein’s Field Equations Updated for Life on Earth

Farmer Josh McClary
New Earth Consciousness


he image illustrates a flat timeline transitioning into a spherical form, with events marked along both the line and the sphere. The background features a cosmic space filled with stars and nebulae, highlighting the concept of time transformation.

In our journey of intellectual evolution, a pivotal moment was the realization that our Earth is not flat but a sphere. This discovery demanded a seismic shift in our perspectives, yet, in many ways, our conceptual frameworks lagged behind, still ensnared in antiquated notions. One such outdated concept is our understanding of time.

For animals less conscious than what humans are capable of rendering (more information faster), time appears flat. These creatures live in the immediacy of their experiences, unable to contemplate potential futures as we can, or rather, used to be able to do as a species. Technology is collapsing this feature out of our human experiences until humans will simply be no more.

When we project ourselves into the future, imagining different scenarios, we are literally navigating through the multiverse of possibilities. Yet, despite our emergent (and threatened) capacity to envision these myriad paths, our societal structures still operate under the influence of a ‘flat time’’ mentality, which, as we are witnessing, has dire and immediate consequences for our world.

The remnants of flat-world thinking are manifesting in catastrophic ways, hastening the degradation of our planet’s biosphere and…



Farmer Josh McClary
New Earth Consciousness

Farm Steward/Artist/Dirt Witch trying to discover a food system for Earthlings at Consideration Farm, USA. https://www.youtube.com/@ConsiderationFarm