How Journaling Helps Me Connect With My Higher Self

Nishtha Gupta
New Earth Consciousness
3 min readMar 29, 2024

All the answers lie within you.

Write your own story — Created by DALL-E

There are times when I feel out of sync after a bad day. When a tornado of thoughts and emotions whirls inside me, forcing me to slow down and reflect. I’m unable to speak. The only way I can untangle them is through writing.

At first, what comes out is gibberish. My journals are patient. They hold my hands softly as I pour my words on paper, along with a few drops of tears. Sometimes, I find it hard to keep up with the pace of my thoughts, as there is so much within that I cannot express throughout the day.

My journals help me stay authentic and honest with myself. They give my words a voice and space to breathe. A home that I can come back to and reflect on, to see how I’ve grown and evolved, broken patterns, and found meaning in life.

I take a few deep breaths and express my gratitude to the Universe for this beautiful life and all the blessings. I remind myself that this life is temporary and part of a play. I request the Universe to show me the right path and direction. To show me opportunities where I feel free and authentic.

I pen down my affirmations — “I am a beautiful soul. I am in tune with the Universe. I trust the process. I open myself to receive. I have all the courage within to do all I set my heart for. Everything is falling into place. I do things with love and love only. I am blessed.” I keep repeating these until the voice changes from “I am” to “You are”. The words flow out effortlessly, and my handwriting changes.

I believe that when this transition happens, my higher self, guardian angels, or spirit guides take over. It is then on me if I let them speak or let my conscious mind overpower them. Sharing a few verbatim messages from my journals:

“Life is a blessing. You are here to learn, grow, and evolve while staying detached. You are doing so well. I love you. Be naughty & playful as life is short. We are cosmic beings who belong to the other realms, where love is the only emotion we know. Our existence spans billions and trillions of years, while human life is merely a blip. You’ll never know when it is over. Always be grateful for the present moment. Every moment in the past has brought you here. You are healing, growing, and evolving, my dear. You are so loved and special. Love yourself fully and unconditionally. Let magic pour out of you.”

These writing sessions are cathartic for me. They help me clear my mind and live with a broader perspective and renewed energy. All the answers to our questions lie within us. It’s a quiet voice that gets lost in the noise. We need to slow down and listen to the signals, to what our heart says.

Some ways to self-reflect that work for me:

1. Find a safe physical space where you can stay uninterrupted.

2. Be patient with yourself. Let the emotions flow within you. Feel them through your body completely. They are transitory.

3. Practice gratitude for all the small things in life, like the pen and paper you use for journaling, the food you eat, and the water you drink.

4. Request the Universe to show you the path that resonates with your soul’s blueprint.

5. Stay open to receive signs from the Universe. Your angels and guides are always around to support you.

6. And lastly, be consistent with your practice.

Everyone may have a different method of self-reflection. I would love to hear how you all practice channeling your inner wisdom. Thank you for reading till the end. Lots of love!

Nishtha Gupta



Nishtha Gupta
New Earth Consciousness

A beautiful soul in her most authentic self. I believe that the universe sends us signs, we just need to listen