How Long Will We Ignore Reality and Suffer Inside the Lies of the Past?

The Tragic Dissonance of Modern Consciousness

Farmer Josh McClary
New Earth Consciousness
8 min readJun 6, 2024


Killing Weeds, image of Farmer Josh rendered by Farmshipmen Ben McClary

Inside the oceans of Big “T” Time that we sail together, we are here to harvest the light of the sun — pure entropy, into the life of the interdimensional sphere collapser known to the universe as Earth.

She is trying to find Herself through an interdimensionally stacked game of entropy-organizing discovery. We are in the middle — the past, examining through projecting geometric narratives, the underlying quantum present, unfolding before time, stuck inside the eternity of uncertainty about what it will become inside the future beyond the manifold of conscious life.

It’s a sphere. What goes around, comes around, but it’s different, but why?

The sphere wants to know what’s up under the sun inside the manifold — the biosphere — the division between something and nothing, the self that She has created between Her and the darkness outside the sphere surrounded by the interdimensional darkness of nothing, until we make something, ahead.

She organizes the entropy of the sun into meaning as she spins through the universe of nothing (that will be something as we pass), laying down layers of information from the POV of the living universe.

You can believe that whatever the weeds think, they do not think they are entropy, or else they would not organize the incoming photons into layers of fields of life.

But from my POV, the thistle and other weeds cast a dark shadow over what would become our food ahead–our life force. They, the weeds, would fill the hologram of the Earth with their dark reflection forward through the underlying quantum outcomes (from my POV), taking from my rendering of Earth all my possible outcomes for food. So naturally, you can see why, when I can overcome the burden of the weeds with my seed and scythe, leaving the white clover unharmed beneath, I feel overjoyed and like to pretend like my scythe is a guitar.

The People of the Earth today are much wealthier than me, with their fat harvests of numbers that make People do things (modern money), but they have $0 in health, and even less is wisdom. My Grandma McClary used to warn me of those “with more money than brains.” I fear we have a widespread infection of this condition, metastasizing all around the world by the modern food system that values nothing but calories down the gullet of its victims.

Consciousness, the fundamental emergent, three-dimensional feature of human existence, holds the potential for profound understanding and evolution.

That is the entire game: collapse on who you are, and in that way, Earth will find Herself through us. I can see it in the narrative of the math. We are trained to believe what has been collapsed for us already: this is “time,” this is “space,” this is a “tree” this is a “car,” this is what makes you happen, this is what makes you sad…you know nothing that has not been collapsed for you by a previous collapser (sub-sentiently conscious inside one dimension of human life) that was also working on very bad information from the past that spun flat over a sphere of life, filling our futures with entropy from the past.

However, in contemporary society, there exists a troubling phenomenon: a collective consciousness that chooses to ignore reality, clinging instead to the comforting lies of the past, like money buying a future for our children. This phenomenon not only stifles progress but also perpetuates a cycle of moral and ethical decay. The older generations–their minds cluttered with commercials from the past, often fixated on material wealth, pharmaceuticals, and fossil fuels, have neglected their duty to foster a better world for the younger generations.

The Comfort of Lies

Throughout history, societies have constructed narratives to provide a sense of identity, security, and continuity. These narratives often become entrenched, resistant to change even in the face of new evidence or shifting realities. Many older individuals find solace in the nostalgia of a bygone era, resisting the uncomfortable truths of the present. This denial manifests in an unwillingness to adapt to new social, environmental, and technological realities.

The fixation on accumulating and preserving wealth often leads to decisions that prioritize short-term gains over long-term sustainability. The value placed on human health has dropped to $0 in a world full of pills and the ignorance that follows. This myopic view perpetuates economic policies that favor the affluent and ignore the needs of the broader society.

The Pursuit of Material Wealth

The relentless pursuit of material wealth has become a defining feature of contemporary consciousness, completely overshadowing more profound human values such as empathy, community, and stewardship of the Earth. Make no mistake: if you destroy your life with your lifestyle, you are doing it wrong, no matter what the fat, sick, silly people say.

The capitalist ethos, which prioritizes profit above all else, has fostered a culture of consumerism. Older generations, having benefited from decades of economic growth, perpetuate this system, neglecting its unsustainable and inequitable nature. Many older individuals prioritize wealth accumulation, resulting in vast economic disparities. This wealth hoarding not only deprives younger generations of opportunities but also exacerbates social and economic inequalities.

It’s blowing up all around us. We are ignoring it with pills.

The Pharmaceutical Fixation

The modern medical industry, heavily influenced by pharmaceutical companies, promotes a pill-for-every-ill mentality. We no longer have to be burdened with walking through the pains of life if there is a pill there to shield us from that reality (for now, until it doesn’t…). This approach prioritizes symptom management over holistic health and well-being. The older generation’s reliance on pharmaceuticals reflects a broader societal trend of seeking quick fixes rather than addressing underlying issues. This dependence not only fuels the pharmaceutical industry’s profits but also often ignores the root causes of health problems.

The Addiction to Burning Oil NOT Calories

Fossil fuels have powered modern civilization, but their continued use poses severe environmental and societal threats. Despite this, many remain steadfast in their reliance on oil. The reliance on fossil fuels has led to significant environmental degradation, including climate change, pollution, and habitat destruction.

Older generations, who have benefited from industrialization, often resist transitioning to renewable energy sources. The fossil fuel industry wields significant political influence, often lobbying against environmental regulations and sustainable policies. This resistance stifles progress toward a more sustainable and equitable energy future for the living People of Earth.

Neglect of the Young

The failure to address these issues reflects a broader neglect of younger generations, inheriting a world rife with challenges. The prioritization of material wealth, pharmaceuticals, and fossil fuels represents an intergenerational injustice, where the older generation’s actions compromise the well-being of future generations. The reluctance to embrace change and prioritize the needs of the young demonstrates a lack of empathy and foresight. This neglect manifests in inadequate education, healthcare, and environmental sustainability support.

The Way Forward

Addressing these issues requires a fundamental shift in consciousness, one that embraces reality and prioritizes the collective well-being over individual gain. Acknowledging and confronting the challenges of the present is crucial. This includes recognizing the unsustainable nature of current food, economic, healthcare, and energy systems. Building a more equitable and sustainable world requires fostering empathy and solidarity across generations. This involves supporting policies and initiatives that prioritize the needs of the young and the vulnerable. Transitioning to sustainable practices in all aspects of life, from energy consumption to healthcare, and immediately for food, is essential for ensuring the long-term possible, or even probable, viability of our planet and society.

We need to rebuild who we are or we will continue to become what the past made us — the death of our own future.

Pasts Actuals Stack into Futures Actuals

Earth Actual draws us towards the “Future Actual” of Her.

Actual = Command and Control “center” of sentiently Aware Earth inside our singular future beyond Life/Death dimensions of Earth.

We do not have any more futures to rob of their life; we must live pasts actual now inside the biosphere of Earth and render as human (see how I render?). The only way to do so is through the food of the biosphere of Earth.

And for the love of all that is real, we need to start burning calories again inside the biosphere as we connect around our harvest of entropy into our shared love of food.

The grocery store is a fodder distribution center delivering crippling diabetes, obesity, hypertension, stress, anxiety — everything bad, to the otherwise good People of our shared Earth — our shared futures ahead.

Stop, drop, and roll people. Time to get the fuck out of this colonial echoing nightmare.

Youth and the Other Rising

We need more young leaders. We need more minority leaders. Perhaps those from the POV of the Other will connect us as the One Another of Earth — the ones who prioritize air, food, and water over oil, money, and tech (and pills for everything and everyone that hurts). Our food. Our narrative. It’s all killing the dreams of the young while they grow up around us. To the old, the young (the future) are the weeds. Our future is their weeds, and they are destroying it with their past.

From the past, the weeds destroy the underlying quantum outcomes of the future(s) ahead. If all the underlying probabilities are hot, the hologram will be rendered entropically until it degrades to destroy itself in order to begin again.

Once humanity crosses through the manifold of pain that awaits us as we hurtle through the outcomes of this version of the past, we will learn together that we need food more than we need money, I assure you.

Everyone who wants to live inside a future living sphere of Earth, better start doing something now to get there. If we do not organize the incoming information from the sun into life, it will become chaos.

Wizards Divided

We have been separated, by the wizardry of the past, through money, oil, and tech, with the narrative held together by pills.

Witches United

Food will unite the witches of Earth under the flag of humanity forever

Weeds of the Wizards of the Past?

We are not weeds. We are the human consciousness of Earth. We deserve a future on Earth together.

Anything that does or says otherwise is a weed themselves.

What do you do with weeds? Vote them out of office.

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Farmer Josh McClary
New Earth Consciousness

Farm Steward/Artist/Dirt Witch trying to discover a food system for Earthlings at Consideration Farm, USA.