How Much Of The Old And New Is Within You?

Nishtha Gupta
New Earth Consciousness
3 min readJun 4, 2024

Amidst this constantly changing world, we must slow down, reflect, and ask ourselves this question.

The Old & New | Created by AI, Chat GPT 4

I recently joined a peer group to discuss art movies. Where we consider these rare films as “Mirrors of the subconscious” that help unravel our innermost longings, desires, and suppressed emotions. The first movie we unpeeled was the New Zealand film “Whale Rider (2002)” directed by Niki Caro.

The story revolves around the life of Paikea, a 12-year-old Maori girl descending from an ancient tribe of chieftains. Her calling was to become the Chief of the tribe. However, her grandfather Koro believed that only first-born male descendants were eligible to hold this position.

Paikea delivering her speech in the movie Whale Rider (2002) | Source: Pinterest

The movie explores Paikea’s journey in a patriarchal society where she proves her worth through grit, determination, and listening to her intuition. She symbolizes a new and fresh approach to life, stemming from innate curiosity, while “Koro” with his years of experience, is the “wise old” patriarch. In this context, the peer group facilitator posed this question — “While you think of Paikea and Koro, what part of the old and new is within you?

I am grateful he asked because it made me think. What is “old’ and “new”? What does it mean for different people? Applicable to all areas in life like identity, parenting, education, career, health, and spirituality, the list is endless. A woman today may not be the “sacrificial mother’ like her mother was and would want to own her needs, set boundaries, and focus on her health so that she can raise her children well.

Juxtaposing the old & new | Created by AI, ChatGPT 4

There is no right or wrong. And in the heat of the moment, you may not even know if you’re doing something the “old” or “new” way. It can only be experienced in hindsight. Life shapes us to become who we are today. Unfortunately, most of our programming has been fear-based, which hinders our growth, development, and evolution. To live an authentic life, unlearning and reinventing oneself in line with one’s intuition is essential. However, this requires work and constantly showing up authentically.

Think about what aspects you want to change about yourself. The old is full of ancient wisdom that is still applicable in today’s world. What legacy do you want to carry forward? What patterns do you wish to break? What stories do you want your children and grandchildren to inherit?

There are some parts of the old I do want to pass on to the next generation, like age-old mouthwatering recipes and homemade ginger-honey concoctions that heal. Refreshing summer drinks made of raw mangoes and jaggery, buttermilk that soothes one’s throat. Heirlooms in intricately embroidered jewelry boxes. Small family rituals like chanting shlokas in the morning and evening together.

Paint the canvas of your life with strokes of both the old and new. Trust the process. The New Earth vibrates with the frequency of love, compassion, and kindness. Drive your life with meaning and purpose.

Paint the canvas of your life | Created by AI, Chat GPT 4

Ask yourself — “How much of the old and new is within you?” Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

Thank you for reading. Follow me at nishtha.gupta97 for more such stories.



Nishtha Gupta
New Earth Consciousness

A beautiful soul in her most authentic self. I believe that the universe sends us signs, we just need to listen