How to Manifest Your Highest Timeline

Daniel Hannah
New Earth Consciousness
8 min readAug 6, 2024


During one of my darkest hours when I was in my early twenties, I had a moment of reflection. I was drinking too much, smoking too much, and abusing all kinds of substances. I was becoming unmotivated and antisocial, and making bad decision after bad decision.

That’s when I saw the timeline I was creating for myself.

I could see myself spiraling down a dark path; one of addiction, despair, and loneliness. In this envisioned reality, I would bring shame to my family, my friends would abandon me, and I would spend my days wallowing in my filth. After all, I was already halfway there, all I had to do was follow the same road and my world would become a very miserable place.

Luckily, I recognized this wasn’t a happy path to follow. A voice echoed in my head, telling me ‘This isn’t the timeline you want to go down’, and I knew something had to change. I had so much potential. There was so much beauty in the world to be tapped into. It was my responsibility not to throw my life away, and that’s when I decided to change the trajectory of my life by manifesting my highest timeline.

I have now been traveling the world for the past 8 years, living in many cultures and enjoying a life filled with endless new experiences, opportunities, and people. I am currently studying shamanic medicine in Peru while working on my projects, and couldn’t think of anything I would rather be doing.

