How To Tell Its Really Your Guides Talking To You

Reyna Park
New Earth Consciousness
5 min readJan 18, 2024
(Reyna Park 24) Our guides help us steer our ship.

Today was sunny with a chance of dark interference!

When we are in flow and in communication with our guides, it is like a sunny day. However, when dark energies interfere, the situation can turn cloudy.

I talk to my guides most every day and ask them for advice, because their advice is valuable.

If Earth is a maze, our guides are looking at it from a bird’s eye view. They can see the timelines available to us. They know what we need in that moment, and how to find it.

It can be so spiritually rewarding to develop a close relationship with our guides. It is a mutually fulfilling relationship. Our souls are already in unbreakable unconditional love with our guides — it is our ego minds that needs to be trained to have enough focus to communicate with them. An easy way to get started is meditate on our guides or even just ask them for a sign!

Once close to them, we can ask away and receive all kinds of guidance. Yet …

I’ve learned that we need to be careful that the information we are getting is truly coming from our guides.

We have to make sure we are looking out for interference.

Interference coming from lower vibrational beings that is.

I can generally tell when I’m being tricked by dark energies who are posing as my guides. This is a personal discernment that took time to develop, and I’d like to tell you more about how I use it in my life.

Today I went to the grocery store. I am trying out a new diet this year. I want to ensure that the food I consume is of the highest vibration. So, when I am standing in front of an array of 12 different types of honey, I ask my guides which one will be best for me.

To do so, I place the palm of my hand in front of the shelf, close to the merchandise. Then, I begin slowly waving my hand across the shelf, noting what sensations come to my hand.

Effectively, I am sensing the vibration of each jar of honey. If the sensation is tight and painful, it is a low vibration. If the sensation is open and warm, it is a higher vibration.

The first few honey jars are of a lower vibration — I check the label and see that this brand has a low price, and comes from bees who live close to the city. I bet the higher vibrational honey will be farmed in a rural location where there is less pollution. I keep moving my hand, looking for the warm glow of a higher vibration.

I sense not only the vibration of the honey, but also any sign from my guides. When they want my attention, they tug on my hand chakra. It feels like a small tap on my forefinger, I wrote about this here. As I keep sensing each honey jar’s vibration, I keep an eye out for a sign from them.

My hand travels over honey that has a high vibration, it feels like pure sunshine. Yet I haven’t gotten a tap from my guides yet. I ask them telepathically, “Not this one?” and receive a cohesive message “No” in reply.

I look at the label. It is Manuka, a unique type of honey that comes from Australia and New Zealand and has high microbial benefits. It is $50. I see now that this honey is certainly pure and healthy, but that the high price-tag is not in my highest alignment. I have no business spending more than $12 on honey at this point in my life! I laugh and move on, waving my hand over the next shelf.

There is silence from my guides for a while and I must look like a fool waving my arm in this grocery store. I have almost passed all of the honey jars. The message from my intuition is not coming in clear. Here is my first sign of interference. I close my eyes and give more focus to my sixth sense intuition. There is something warm and pleasant feeling coming from the left side of the shelf, so I move my hand over there. I must have missed this corner.

I settle on a jar of honey from Durango, Colorado. This is a rural area. My hand starts ringing with joy and affirmation from my guides. But they’ve stopped me at Bourbon flavored honey! Why would I want to eat this, certainly I would like a different flavor more? I ask them, “Are you sure?” and they say “Yes.”

I walk to the end of the aisle.

“Okay,” I say, “Take me to the next thing you want me to buy.”

I feel a tug on my hand from the right and begin to follow it. When I come to a crossroads, the tug comes from the left, so I turn to the left. I see that I am walking towards the deli and butcher’s area.

“Are you sure?” I ask again. “Yes,” is the reply.

I come closer to the counter. I close my eyes again and sense into my intuition.

On one hand, the vibration that has led me here feels high, but I know my guides would never lead me to this counter unless my body really needed to eat meat and it was of the highest quality, sustainably raised.

I look at the packaged meat. The vibrations I am getting from the counter feel painful.

I tune in again. On my second sense, I feel there is an understated low vibration hidden below the high vibration, like the second octave on a music score. I can tell this vibration is not my guides. It is high, but it is not of the same magnitude of light as I normally experience.

The right back side of my neck feels tight. I know I have an entity attachment there, which I am working with Archangel Michael and dragons to remove (I’m not sure how long this will take, I know this entity has been in my energy field for a long time). I bet this entity is the culprit of this false guidance.

The conflicting information, subtle low quality of energy hidden beneath the high quality, and tightness in my neck are enough to let me know that I am receiving interference.

I begin walking away from the counter and re-orient to my higher dimensional guides, paying this interaction no mind, and completing my grocery shopping.

healthy food my guides helped me buy today

When I got home, I tasted the Bourbon honey. It tasted more like vanilla than Bourbon, and reminded me of a childhood memory. I loved it.



