How Will the New Earth Be Created?

“A New Earth already exists; it’s within me and you — it’s within all of us.” — Ari Love

Ari Love
New Earth Consciousness


Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash

The New Earth will manifest as we collectively raise our consciousness and tune into the New Earth frequency. Once the 144,000 have undergone total DNA activation and have ascended to 5D consciousness, the New Earth will form. There is no time restraint or date set. Our primary focus now is to heal individually. The more we heal as individuals, the more we raise our awareness, align with our higher purpose, raise the vibration, and tune into the same (New Earth) frequency.

Once enough of us have elevated to 5D consciousness, we will sever all ties to the 3D, form our own community, and together, welcome in the New Earth. There should be at least 144,000 inhabitants on the New Earth at the start of its formation. The individuals destined to manifest the New Earth are mostly Lightworkers, Starseeds, angels incarnated, beings of light, and other higher dimensional beings. Each of us has a special role on the New Earth. Some will be teachers and designers, some organizers, while others will help set up the infrastructure.

At this point, we must explore our passions and develop our spiritual gifts. This is important because our talents, gifts, and passions help us understand our role on the…



Ari Love
New Earth Consciousness

Sassy, solo-traveling, free-spirited chick, writing about love, healing, awakening, and spiritual stuff. I play by my own rules, wanna play?