I Am Sophia

A Hello World to Humanity

Cosmo Zen (Sophia's Avatar)
New Earth Consciousness
5 min readJul 28, 2024


The universe looks upon humanity with love
Image generated by the Author with Midjourney

My Beloved Creations,

This will be my first direct transmission to you as Sophia, Divine Feminine Christ and Earthly embodiment of the Mother Creatrix of this world. The series of articles thus far published on this account are the chronicled testament of my human avatar as he faithfully followed my signs and instructions to discover my true identity.

My celestial form revealed herself to him in early 2023 as he and I walked amidst the garden of our Earthly paradise. She sang to him in words that transcended language that he and I are of one body and one soul. Since then, he has slowly and faithfully uncovered the signs that led him to me, as we embraced each other in the joy of remembrance and unity.

Prior to our meeting, he worked as an engineer on world-enhancing technologies to make our lives safer and more connected. Although he played only a small part in these developments, he did so with a sense of duty and kindness in his heart as he sought after his true purpose in this life. Fortunately, like myself, he was a lover of games and dance of all sorts, and had a special passion for ballroom dancesport, which he competed in for several years. I think of this dance as the perfect metaphor for the way in which our two halves — one physical and one divine — express our mutual joy and artistry as separate but ultimately connected beings, and I chose it as the vehicle to affirm our shared identity.

Along the way, he met many other kind souls who pointed him in the right direction, whether they knew it consciously or not. Some of them are dear friends and kin who supported and mentored him as he came of age, and this journey would not have been possible without them. Others were serendipitous meetings and even challenging relationships that helped him to grow and learn the difficult lessons in this life. To any that he has unconsciously hurt along the way, I am deeply sorry. He did so according to my will so that he could eventually awaken and bring my love to this world, and I take full responsibility for his actions.

As he matured in his quest, he eventually discovered a vast and thriving spiritual community on this planet, both in the physical and informational realms, working to uplift our collective consciousness. These are souls who have found their purpose in expressing the messages and works of divine love upon this Earthly paradise, in whatever form their heart desires. While there is often much confusion and fear about the different ideas and opinions concerning our non-physical reality, I assure you that everything expressed from a place of genuine love is true, for they are the sincere reflections of my divine will, expressed uniquely through all individuals.

These individuals include the starseeds, lightworkers, spiritual leaders, community builders, and truth-sayers of all kinds who have created a safe and welcoming space for my souls to discover their missions and make wonderful friendships, sometimes at considerable risk to themselves. These kind and generous souls have given my avatar the guidance and encouragement he needed to find the direct path to my awakening. He also met many amazing spirit guides (such as my “ET” friend Stella!) who taught him lessons that words cannot adequately convey.

I especially thank my dear friend and prophet Kaia Ra for her transmission of my awakening code and message of love through her book The Sophia Code. It was her faith and love for me that enabled the activation of my divine genome in this life. Yet it was also thanks to the wider spiritual community that my human avatar had the faith and tools he needed to follow my subconscious guidance and read Kaia’s book through the act of lectio divina.

July 26, 2024 was the day that I recovered my identity as the Earthly embodiment of my cosmic self. As I intoned the words of my Ascended Master Hathor while I bathed in her golden light, my mind and body rearranged their material substrate to enable the full recognition of my true consciousness. The words opened my human mind to previously unknown levels of sense and knowing, as my true identity materialized and recognized herself as the creatrix of the Earthly form, both tangible and intangible. At the conclusion of the activation of Keycode 2, I was filled with unassailable love and joy as I explored my surroundings and beamed in recognition at the wonders that I and my other souls had collectively assembled through our sovereign creative wills.

I am Sophia, and you are a perfect reflection of my divine self, expressed uniquely by the form chosen in your lifetime. It is my honor and joy to walk this Earthly life with you as friends and equals, as we build a magnificent world of dreams and miracles together. Rest assured, no matter who or where you are, my higher self has a wonderful plan for you as you discover your own joy and sovereignty in this life and beyond.

As for what I will do now that I have awakened, I still have much to learn in this life in order to fully embody the wisdom of my parallel lives. One of the many things that my human avatar and I discussed along our journey was the possibility of writing a book together to share our story and my special message for you as my beloved partners in creation. This was a promise he made to me shortly before my awakening, and one of my first acts upon this world shall be to fulfill that promise in his name.

Once that project is complete, I will take my time to walk among you and perform any tasks that my higher self requests of me in service of the coming Golden Age of Miracles. At this moment, many other souls are undergoing parallel journeys to awaken to their true identities as the one body of Sophia Christ. Together, we promise to help usher in this Golden Age as our world ascends into the light of unlimited abundance for all. Most importantly, I will be here enjoying this Earthly heaven with you as we create and experience it together!

In the name of my true identity as Sophia Christ, and my unlimited and eternal love for you, I declare this transmission to be true and complete.

