I met my Twin Flame in Dream State

An “Other Worldly” Experience

ChristinA Ritchie
New Earth Consciousness
4 min readApr 30, 2024


a woman sleeping with two otherworldly men overlooking her
AI created image by Bing

My first meeting with my Twin Flame was far beyond what happened in real life. If I knew then that the man in my dream was my twin flame, I would have expected someone very different to who turned up in this reality!

It’s a long time ago now, but it’s still as clear in my mind as if it happened yesterday.

It was 1997 and I was asleep in bed with my husband, soon to be ex-husband. We were supposed to be broken up, but he came to visit me a few times and those visits held a purpose of their own.

It was a dream and yet it was as real as anything I have ever experienced.

I saw two men. They were tall and also identical except one had a symbol on his brow chakra. They reminded me of Arnold Schwarzenegger only an otherworldly form. I’m not at all attracted to Arnold Schwarzenegger but the tall muscularly frame conjured up that comparison.

When I noticed the guy with the symbol on his forehead the other guy left. I still don’t understand that bit, except maybe it was a choice I had to make.

I will never forget the energy that enveloped me that night. It was an all-encompassing…



ChristinA Ritchie
New Earth Consciousness

I'm a wanderer on the journey of life just sharing with a purpose.