My Shaking Energy Brought Me Home to Myself

And even led me to my Twin Soul

Gary Niemen
New Earth Consciousness


In my 20s, I was involved with a group of Buddhists in East London and used to go to regular meditation evenings a few times a week. On one of these evenings, I glimpsed a young woman whose body was shaking during the group meditation. I was intrigued. During the tea break, I went up to her and asked her about it. She seemed quite nonplussed, simply saying that it always happened during her meditations — but only for a short period. She said that she didn’t really think about it that much and didn’t know what it was.

Who would have thought — certainly I wouldn’t have thought — that a few years later this would be me. Also experiencing this shaking during meditation. It is so interesting and strange that I was drawn to notice a fellow meditator shaking and then being curious enough to ask her about it. A part of me must have known that I was one of those — whatever one of those was (or is).

I can trace the emergence of the shaking in me back to an experience that I had during a Tai Chi class some time after the experience at the meditation class. I had discovered Tai Chi a few years earlier and had got totally hooked — going to classes as much as I could and practising on my own intensely — sometimes for several hours at a time. I was nearing the end of performing the…



Gary Niemen
New Earth Consciousness

Product manager and technical writer in tech by day. Writing about life, mind, and wellbeing by night. All from our red farmhouse in the Swedish countryside.