If Time Could Talk, What Would It Tell You?

Shannon MacDonald
New Earth Consciousness
6 min readFeb 6, 2024
Image sourced from Canva

What is time?

Most people see time as something that moves forward, or we look back upon. But time is not a line that proceeds from one fixed moment to the next. Time is omnidirectional and ever-everpresent. It is alive. It is conscious. It has intelligence. It is free.

Time is a continuous wave in the ocean of Eternity existing within the mind of the Universe. It is filled with infinite possibilities and limitless potentials that expand beyond the horizon of the imagination. It is the vessel for experiences to manifest and opportunities to flow. Time is, in fact, timeless. It is eternally young and endlessly ancient. It bridges the existence of all realities within the one heartbeat of the Divine.

Time as a partner and mirror in life

Time can be your friend or foe. It’s all about how you choose to believe, react, and flow within the waves of your experiences. Getting caught in the whirlpools of disempowering beliefs, self-sabotaging patterns, and programmed narratives creates a low-frequency mindset, obstructing your experiences of reality from reaching your fullness as a conscious creator.

I don’t know anyone who hasn’t complained about not having enough time, including me. Feeling rushed, stressed, and worried seems to fragment the day into categories from overachieving, people-pleasing, and never-ending to-do lists.

The truth is, I work on my own experience with time daily. The days I make a conscious effort to meditate, be present, and reflect on my highest intentions are the days I am in the flow and life feels good. I look at time as my co-partner in life. You can treat time as though it has run out and you missed your chance to (fill in the blanks), or you can choose to swim within the waves of its infinite opportunities once you realize how time is your friend.

Time is a reflection of who you are and what you believe right now. It holds the mirror to your inner self and offers the way to your highest truth. It has no agenda or judgment for how you choose to see yourself or believe your limitations.

Time offers an open channel for you to change, grow, experience, and flow to your next destination of reality. How, you ask? The words I am writing are not just my own experience. Time is speaking to me, through me, right now. It is imparting these words onto this page for you not only to read but to feel them within you.

The energy of time is here. It is within you and speaks to your higher sense of innerstanding. You, my friend, are in the flow of timeless eternity when you begin to believe and feel the waves of time as your friend — looking back with appreciation for the lessons of love and pain. Looking forward with anticipation as life responds to your energy as a conscious creator.

What may time be trying to tell you

Time may be telling you it is time to let go or move on. Let go of your preconceived beliefs about who you think you are and why your life may not be going as planned. Let go of the disempowering beliefs, self-limitations, toxic people, patterns, and programs within your reality. Surrender the need to control other people or specific outcomes or harbor unrealistic expectations. These things bring you into a disempowering state and pull you away from your divine flow and awakening to your true nature.

Time may also be trying to get your attention and say it’s time to be mindful of where your attention goes or that it’s time to forgive. Placing your attention on too much negativity and fear-based information pulls you away from being in the flow with your inspiration, intuition, and creative nature.

Forgiveness for self and others is the root of all healing and the cornerstone of your magnetic qualities as a conscious creator. Just remember, forgiving someone who has treated you poorly does not mean they must still be in your life. In my book, Mastering Manifestation, I discuss the transformational power of mindfulness and forgiveness in detail.

Tell yourself now that you are worthy of all the treasure time has to offer. You deserve to be free from fear, self-limitation, guilt, anger, hopelessness, and regret, along with toxic beliefs, energy, patterns, and even people that keep you from experiencing your true nature as a conscious creator.

Time is here to help you ride the waves of Ascension and deliver you to your happiest life and highest potentials.

Time is your gateway to Ascension

Your Ascension begins when you remember you are both the wave and the ocean of Infinite Creation. Nothing is permanent within the ebb and flow of life as you know it. Surrendering to false realities opens the door to higher realms of existence and is part of the equation for life to expand and new creations to emerge.

Take a breath and feel the friendly flow of time within you. Acknowledge its presence and be thankful for its gifts. Ask it what it has to tell you and then take a few moments to really listen. You don’t need me to tell you what time has to say. I’m just here to give you a gentle nudge in that direction.

The more you realize that you hold the power of the wave within, the more you will remember how to be in partnership with the flow of time. You will recognize how to look beyond the false programs of a limited reality as you rise from the darkness of deception into the light, love, beauty, and truth of who you are.

Learn how to flow within the waves of higher awareness, explore life beyond the programs of a conditioned reality, and how to live an awakened life as a conscious creator with my transformational books below.

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💗 Shannon MacDonald

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Shannon MacDonald
New Earth Consciousness

I'm an author, healer & ascension guide. I write about spiritual awakening, ascension, and conscious creation. 🔯 ✴️ https://linktr.ee/ShannonMacDonald