Integrating Karma in the Akashic Records

Past Life Healing in the Aetheric Field

New Earth Consciousness
6 min readDec 14, 2023


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The Akashic Records

There is a bandwidth of the mental plane where all that has ever occurred is registered called the Akashic records. By refining our internal antenna through meditation, intention, and becoming a clear vessel, it is possible to receive messages through the records. Since the records contain both the entire individual and collective karmic information, it is important to set a clear energetic intention to your higher self, guides, and the ascended masters, that they provide the specific information you are seeking clarity on. If you can attune and ground yourself properly, get in the right brainwave and meditation state, many people have been able to refine this capacity to retrieve and receive information from this bandwidth, and in doing so, look deeper into and heal issues of a karmic nature.

The Sanskrit term akasha translates as ‘space, sky, aether’, or ‘an ethereal fluid pervading the cosmos’. The term was popularized in the West through Anthroposophy and the writings of Helena Blavatsky. Physics teaches that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Energy does not ever disappear, it can only change from one form to another. In modern times, widely renowned medium Edgar Cayce (1887–1945) was known for entering deep meditation and having a secretary transcribe his clairvoyant visions. Although Cayce was extraordinarily skilled at reading the records, it is my belief and experience that accessing Akashic information is within the capability of anyone that honestly chooses to make diligent efforts.

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The Delusion of Tabula Rasa

English philosopher John Locke (1672–1704), popularized the term Tabula Rasa, Latin for blank slate, as the theorized situation each of us are born into. Locke is the modern father of empiricism, the belief that all knowledge must derive from sensory experience, that there is no innate knowledge. One of the fathers of the ‘Enlightenment’, his philosophies contributed heavily to the modern basis of our pathologically small-hearted, spirit-suppressed, ruthlessly technological, shadow-masculine modern age. His most famous concept, Tabula Rasa, is becoming more and more self-evidently misguided in this current age of awakening consciousness.

We incarnate as a soul on a journey, with skills, gifts, unique personal histories, and also karma, which influence our current incarnation. John Locke laid the foundation for the separation of Church and State by noting that humans on the collective level do not possess the discernment to evaluate the claims of competing religions, and even if they did, coercion would be far worse for societal harmony than diversity. Its unfortunate that Locke could not reconcile successfully the existence and journey of all souls with his political teachings. For by advancing on one front of political liberty, spiritual truth was discarded as impenetrable and obsolete. I bring up the roots of empiricism here because it must be dismantled thoroughly as a limiting belief in order to better access clarity.

Combining Theory and Practice

During meditation, in the dream realm, or even in daily life, one may receive psychic signposts. Hints of karmic patterns may be revealed, and after seeing a glimpse, one may wish to attempt to familiarize themselves more deeply with the frequency of the Akashic records, in order to shed light on, and hopefully to some degree begin to recognize their karmic issues. It was after receiving such hints myself that I headed hesitantly down this path, meditating with intention towards seeing clearly if there were any past-life patterns shadowing my current life.

Having delved into the theory, and having experienced expanded receiving states through meditation, I found myself pulled to the Akashic records. The impetus for me personally was that I had a strange but persistent feeling that I was guilty of something, but I had no idea what. Guiding through intention, visualization, and energy, Akashic record meditations attune one to the frequency of the field of all that is, and through refining our vessel, we can connect. One need not be guided, but I found it helpful at first. Over the course of several months, I dedicated multiple meditation sessions to attuning to the Akashic records and seeking clarification. Some of the times, I found it hard to connect with anything meaningful. Other times, I’ve received clairsentient or clairaudient ‘hits’. By piecing together a few scenes that came through visually in these sessions, the rough outline of one past life has come in to view.

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Three scenes came into my mind in these meditations that I feel are energetically linked:

1. I‘m delivering a rousing rant to fire up the ‘troops’. This is not a real army however. This is more of an armed, possibly medieval-era insurrection mob.

2. I am in the woods, in the rain, alone. Hiding, safe, but strongly feeling like this was the result of a fleeing.

3. I am an old man, alone in a house. It’s snowy and quiet outside, I gaze at a document on the wall bitterly. I am not sure if I’m an outcast, but I am sullen and empty.

As I’ve been processing these Akashic-accessed scenes, I do believe they are valid and have shed light on my own karmic patterns and wounds, and what my intention was in this life in regards to healing and getting past those. I have had a core wound of abandonment. It is my belief that I may have abandoned whatever fighting force I had been hyping up, and have carried a lot of internalized regret and guilt from that. I betrayed, or abandoned, after actively instigating something. That caused wounds, blocks, and karma consequences in this life. I wish I knew more, but even from what I’ve seen, it has opened up an avenue to re-integrate past-life energetic blocks. I have always detested authority. I’ve always had some fear of being fully alone. I’ve had a haunting feeling that I’m almost paying some sort of karmic debt.

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If you experience past-life memories that bring up difficult feelings about your soul history, those may be being presented because they are things you need to see, because they are subconscious sources of pain and confusion still to this day. By bringing awareness to karmic events and the results of those, they are finally able to be transmuted in your aura, leaving newfound clarity. Meditation and Akashic record work are similar, but I believe the subtle difference to simply be focusing ones intention on oneness with the holographic universe, where all information is contained in even the tiniest particle, and asking your higher self, guides, or ascended masters to show you the relevant information and messages you need. If you present the intention honestly and in a clear, focused brainwave state similar to meditation, it is within anyone’s capability to utilize this modality effectively. It is my belief and experience that Akashic record, past-life work is a beautiful form of healing and embodying more fully our higher-selves intended missions on Earth.

