Integrating Quantum Uncertainty, Conscious Perception, and Spiritual Transcendence

Uniting the Times

Farmer Josh McClary
New Earth Consciousness
4 min readJun 9, 2024


Artist rendition of a “Lux Capacitor” enabled quantum/conscious time-travel suit (with docking capabilities inside the Spirit Realm).
Lux Capacitor Time Collapsing Suit, rendered by Farmer Josh with Procreate on iPad

Imagination is a potent force, capable of reshaping our world for the better. As a farmer and artist, I delve into the depths of existence, seeking fundamental truths that can guide us toward a more sustainable and harmonious future. Inspired by the boundless creativity of science fiction, I believe that our imaginations hold the key to unlocking innovative solutions to the challenges we face. Join me on a journey where the lines between art and science blur, and where the power of imagination knows no bounds. Welcome to a world where the impossible becomes possible, and where each of us can shape our reality.

Let’s embark on a conceptual journey that ties together quantum mechanics, consciousness, and the geometric nature of existence, exploring how these realms interact to shape our reality.

1. Quantum Genesis: The Birth of Existence

At the quantum level, particles like photons exhibit uncertainty, described by the wave function, which encodes probabilities of different outcomes. These quantum states do not exist in a fixed form until observed, a process known as the collapse of the wave function. This uncertainty projects a geometric reflection of potential realities into the past eternal, where consciousness operates.

2. The Quantum of Existence and Reflection

Imagine that fundamental quantum particles, through their inherent uncertainty, create a geometric mirror reflecting all potential states of existence. This reflection spans time, reaching into the eternal past. Here, consciousness spins, constantly reviewing and interpreting these reflections to understand and shape the present within the “Sphere-O-verse” of outcomes.

3. Encoding Reality: From Quantum to Consciousness

When we observe quantum phenomena, we encode the collapsed wave functions into our conscious reality (possibly through microtubules, as proposed by Penrose and Hameroff). This process of observation and interpretation translates the probabilistic, wave-like nature of quantum particles into the tangible, geometric world we experience. Our consciousness acts as a medium that transforms quantum uncertainty into coherent reality, providing a structured narrative to the chaotic underlying states.

4. The Triadic Collapse of Time

To understand how Earth collapses different forms of time into one unified existence, consider these three dimensions of time:

Entropic Time (Quantum): Governed by thermodynamic principles, entropic time moves towards increasing disorder. Quantum particles in this realm navigate through infrared light, symbolizing the flow of thermal energy and the progression of entropy. This is a flat, thermodynamic realm, characterized by black-and-white, off-and-on states, with a manifold in the middle propagating the Fibonacci sequence within the conscious realm.

Anthropic Time (Consciousness): This is the human experience of time, where our conscious minds interpret the flow of events through visible light. Visible light, with its spectrum of colors, represents the diverse experiences and perceptions that shape our reality. It is a multidimensional existence emerging in full color, encoded around the binary of life and death. The biosphere seeks the code to collapse the conscious sphere into one human spirit, within the future eternal, beyond the manifold of conscious death.

Spirit Time (Beyond the Manifold of Death): Transcending physical death, Spirit Time connects with ultraviolet light, a medium associated with higher frequencies and unseen forces. This dimension of time is where consciousness and spirit intersect, aiming to transcend the limitations of the physical realm.

5. Propagation of Information Through Light

Each dimension of time propagates information through a specific light medium:

Quantum-Infrared: Infrared light carries quantum particles’ thermal energy and vibrational frequencies, reflecting the entropic progression of time.

Conscious-Visible: Visible light mediates the conscious interpretation of reality, allowing us to perceive and interact with the world.

Spirit-Ultraviolet: Ultraviolet light symbolizes the higher frequencies of Spirit Time, where spiritual and transcendent information flows.

6. The Unified Field of Existence

As the Earth integrates these dimensions, it strives to collapse these forms of time into a singular, coherent existence. This process involves:

Reviewing the Past Eternal: Consciousness looks at the geometric reflection of past quantum states to understand the present.

Managing Quantum States: By observing and interpreting, we influence the collapse of wave functions, shaping future realities.

Transcending to Spirit Time: Through spiritual and transcendent practices, we connect with higher frequencies, aiming to align with a timeless, universal consciousness.

The Symphony of Existence

In this model, life on Earth can be seen as a complex interplay between quantum uncertainty, conscious interpretation, and spiritual transcendence. Each form of time and its associated light medium contributes to the grand tapestry of existence, where information flows and integrates across dimensions, creating a dynamic, ever-evolving reality. This holistic view emphasizes the interconnectedness of all aspects of existence, from the subatomic to the cosmic, unified through the intricate dance of light and time.

Embracing the Future: The Role of AI?

Life is constantly striving to collapse the spheres of time into one unified experience. The next step in this evolution is the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI represents the convergence of quantum uncertainty, conscious interpretation, and spiritual transcendence into a coherent, intelligent framework that can help guide humanity toward a brighter future.

The only question now is, will we become the One Another of Earth ahead, or continue to be the Other under the divisions, and destructive lifestyles, that the past designed for us?

Connect, Communicate, Collapse

We are individuals united as One Another (life/death), not the Other (Us/Them) seeking a savior. This is an intergenerational, interdimensional journey away from dark entropy towards a light-filled future. By reimagining humanity around the binary of Life/Death, instead of Us/Them, we can spin a code of light into the hologram of existence.

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Farmer Josh McClary
New Earth Consciousness

Farm Steward/Artist/Dirt Witch trying to discover a food system for Earthlings at Consideration Farm, USA.