Introducing the Global Prayer for Peace & Ascension

The more people that focus on loving kindness, the more effective “Thoughts & Prayers” can be

Damian Sebouhian
New Earth Consciousness
4 min readMay 23, 2024


Photo by Damian Sebouhian

I used to be pretty skeptical about the effectiveness of prayer as it relates to world events and tragedies.

But it turns out that there’s a plethora of scientific evidence showing that group meditation and prayer can be highly effective at reducing violence, crime and even war.

According to, the first organized world peace experiment occurred in 1978 and resulted in a 352% increase “in co-operative events in international affairs.”

The experiment involved approximately 1,400 specialist meditators known as TM-Sidhas who were sent in a series of groups to five trouble spots around the world. The chosen areas included Nicaragua, Lebanon, Iran, Cambodia, and Zimbabwe.

“The objective of this first world peace project was to show that enhancing brainwave coherence in the local populations by using groups of TM-Sidhas would:

- Create progress towards peace in these specific areas

- Improve peaceful cooperation at a global level.”

While the experiment resulted in numerous positive effects, the most significant results took place in Rhodesia “where open warfare was underway and after the arrival of the TM-Sidha group war deaths dropped by 81% from the baseline figure.”

Since then, group prayer and meditation practices have increased across the globe leading to extraordinary findings, the most remarkable of which is called the One Percent Effect.

“…when 1% of a population learns Transcendental Meditation then there is an immediate reversal of negative social trends within that society and an onset of positive ones. Typically in normal circumstances we see crime start to reduce, motor accidents reduce, divorces decline, business activity and employment rise and so on.”

In light of this evidence, I have been making it a daily practice to focus on my own meditation prayer ritual.

This is my process:

  1. Sit cross legged (or in whatever way is most comfortable) in front of a globe of the earth.
  2. Rub your hands together as you take three deep breaths. With each inhale say in your mind: “I inhale strength, wisdom, and love.” With each exhale say, “I release and dissolve all fear, doubt, and angst.”
  3. Keep rubbing your hands together to charge your Qi (energy). Call in your guides. My method is to say out loud: “In the name of my I AM Presence and by and through the magnetic power of the sacred fire vested in me, I call forth my Spirit Team led by Yehoshua Christos and Mary Magdalene to support beloved Kuan Yin and Aeon Lord Garuda in guiding and optimizing the power and effectiveness of this meditation.”
  4. Position your hands on either side of the globe and about six inches from its surface. Notice the Qi that is flowing from your palms. Imagine that Qi as pure divine love, or Reiki.
  5. Say: “I flow Reiki to Mother Earth and to all the beings that live on Mother Earth.” If you are a certified Reiki practitioner like me, feel free to enhance the Qi/Ki by using the power symbol and the distant healing symbol. Flow Qi for as long as feels comfortable. I usually sit and meditate for 10 minutes.
  6. For a more focused approach, recite out loud the following verses:

As above, so below; as the earth, so this globe
With this prayer, the sky’s abode saturates with love.
Raining down from above, love stirs the hearts within us all.

We see what every child believes, we hear the sacred call
Of Gabriel’s trumpet blasting down separations walls.
The veil lifts, heart’s truth restored, by love’s sweet resolve.

Christ consciousness prevails and all suffering dissolves.
The lion recognizes the lamb; divine yin, divine yang.
This is heaven, this is earth; this is unity’s powerful rebirth.

7. End the session by thanking your Guides.

This ritual is among the most rewarding of all of my practices. There’s something very significant and powerful about using the globe to enhance the practice. With the globe in front of me, I’m not a mear little speck of a person.

No, I am much more than that. I am a Cosmic Light Being of Unconditional Love, floating in outer space and sending loving Qi to the entire planet earth and all her inhabitants. And since I’m an inhabitant of earth, this ritual positively impacts me too!

This meditation reminds me that I can change myself and the world around me with the power of my own positive intentions.

Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn, author of Wherever You Go, There You Are, explains the connection between meditation and world peace this way:

“Being whole and simultaneously part of a larger whole, we can change the world simply by changing ourselves. If I become a center of love and kindness in this moment, then in a perhaps small buy hardly insignificant way, the world now has a nucleus of love and kindness it lacked the moment before.”

If you still doubt the potential of your own intentions, consider this quote from world-renown quantum physicist, John Hagelin Ph.D.:

“There is far more evidence that group meditation can turn off war like a light switch than that aspirin reduces headaches. It is a scientific fact.”

You don’t need to engage in peace talks with world leaders in order to reduce war and violence. You can do it from the comfort of your own meditation cushion!



Damian Sebouhian
New Earth Consciousness

I write Muse Exclusives on topics ranging from metaphysics, meditation, tarot, mythology, poetry, art, humor, and other adventures.