One of My First Questions was

Is Channeling a Spirit Guide More Than Just Our Imagination?

Doubt is the most common challenge for someone new to channeling.

Alan Lew
New Earth Consciousness
6 min readOct 15, 2021


by asboluv (cc-by,

After my first week channeling, I asked my spirit guides/higher self if all this was real or not. The surprising answer is true for all of us.

This is an excerpt from a recent installment, “Dec 2, 2019", in my book on The book’s tentative title is: My Channeling Diaries.

Doubting that channeling is real is a very common issue for people when they first start channeling. For some, those doubts never leave. This is what I was feeling after my first week of channeling. I felt as though I knew everything that was being said. So I specifically asked my guides, “how do I know this is real?”

In fact, I still feel this way, even after channeling for two years. The response from Joshua to my question resonated well with me in…



Alan Lew
New Earth Consciousness

Anything and Everything is Possible in an Infinite Universe — (paywall-free article links)