It’s Ok To Be In The Spiritual Closet

We all start out somewhere

Ashley P
New Earth Consciousness
2 min readFeb 10, 2023


Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

In case you need to hear this, it’s ok to be in the spiritual closet. You don’t have to let anyone in your business that you aren’t comfortable with. Many of us spiritualists including myself start out in the spiritual closet. I laugh at myself thinking about when I used to hide my tarot cards, crystals and candles. Like I was doing some illicit behavior when I wasn’t.

It was all out of fear of judgment and having to explain myself. I got over that. If anyone I allow in my space now doesn’t like what they see, they can leave. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t go around announcing my beliefs to others. Mainly because I’m not a fan of pushing beliefs down people’s throats. That reminds me of religion.

It’s ok if you’re in the spiritual closet.

✨I believe it allows you time to get intimate with your own spiritual path.

✨You find out what spirituality means to you.

✨You get to determine what works and what doesn’t.

✨You get to see the magic unfold for yourself without anyone else’s opinion interfering.

When you realize the magic for yourself, you won’t care what anyone thinks anyway. You’ll know the truth for yourself.

Truthfully, if you never choose to tell a soul what you believe in and live your life how you want it, that’s fine as well.

The choice is yours.

This is your life and your path. Live it how it works best for you.

Mental and Emotional healing is challenging. I know because I too had to and continue to heal many areas of my life. Gaining an understanding of my spiritual nature through inner work and personal practices is what helped me and I am confident that with guidance it can help you too. In order to assist you on your healing journey, I’ve created a free 5-day audio series for mental and emotional help and healing through spirituality during times of uncertainty. When you sign up and confirm your request, you’ll receive the series directly to your inbox for the next 5 days. Click here to sign up.

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©Ashley’s Awareness 2023



Ashley P
New Earth Consciousness

I share spiritual messages to help you through your spiritual awakening, healing and ascension. Spirituality changed my life and it will change yours too.