Let’s Not Talk About Hitler — Why We Judge People and How to Avoid The Trap

Illuminated By Intuition
New Earth Consciousness
4 min readSep 26, 2023
Photo of Adolf Hitler from Daily Beast

How did you feel when your eyes scanned the title of this article, and you saw the name “Hitler”?

Well, if you have heard about the guy then you won’t be too far from labelling him the face of evil and if you’re like most people you’ll either be reading this curiously to “see where it leads” or totally disinterested

BUT wait…please wait

This isn’t a tribute nor is it a condemnation of “The guy” widely regarded as a racist, genocidal, war-starting tyrant.

So what is this about?

It’s actually about you

Well, more like me and you but let’s focus on you, the spotlight is on you this time (sorry if you don’t want the spotlight)

And this spotlight is one that will help you look carefully to know why…you are quick to judge people and how to avoid this trap

But what is this trap that makes you judge people, and how can you avoid it?

It is… (*suspenseful music playing as we unveil the villain*)

It is…..

The Law of Relativity (Pam! Pam! Pammmm!)

Now let’s shift the spotlight to the Villain or not so much of a Villain.

We’ve got you Mr Law of Relativity that makes us judge people, hands in the air!

Now we’ve got our “man”

So, let’s see how he is responsible for making us not want to talk about “the guy” (Hitler), and why we judge everyone from strangers to “our own people”.

The Law of Relativity is one of the “Laws of The Universe” and this law is one tightly connected to comparison.

For the ball labelled “A” below to be seen as small as it has to be compared to the ball labelled “B” which is bigger.

Photo showing the Law of Relativity and how it births comparison — A is only smaller than B because the ball labelled “B” exists and we see it in comparison to “A”. If “B” didn’t exist or wasn’t seen, then “A” would not be a small ball because there’s nothing to compare it to, it would just be a ball and that’s all.

For you to say someone is bad you have to compare their actions against the actions of others or with their previous deeds

This comparison is why the richest man in a tiny town can be the poorest when he moves to a bigger town (the big fish in the small pond moved out)


How does this make you judge people?

It gives you labels to attach to the things you focus on and compare against

And this is how we label people, words, and deeds “good” or “bad” especially when a set of rules were taught to most of us as children.

“This is morally wrong, and that is morally right?”

It is simply a comparison problem, so how do you avoid this trap?

You choose not to compare, and instead look for meaning!

Instead of saying:

“This is wrong and that is right.”

“She is wrong, and I am right?”

“That is beautiful, and this is ugly.”

Ask yourself:

“Why is this wrong or right?”

“Why do I think she is wrong, and I am right?”

“Why do I think that is less beautiful to the point of calling it ugly?”

Now you’re peeling the layers of the problem and getting to the juice.

After asking a series of “Why’s”

You learn something about yourself, the other person…

And most importantly you realize something that is a bit difficult to digest

Wrong and right, good or bad, ugly and beautiful all have a source of things, they are different branches but on one tree — a tree called human experience, and the illusion of “self” responsible for creating, adapting, and propagating this human experience.

Hitler may be known as a racist, genocidal, tyrant, and even the face of…(I’m not going to say it, please don’t make me)

But he was more than that

He was also a troubled child with a short-tempered and domineering father who never encouraged his passion for art.

He was the first child to survive, his brothers died at the age of 6 days, 2 years, and 6 years respectively with the death of his younger brother having a huge psychological effect on him, then his mother also died of breast cancer when he was 18 — we can say he knew criticism, loss, and death from a young age.

Yes I know this isn’t a Hitler pity party, condemnation, or tribute, but we also have to highlight

His interest in affordable and low-priced transportation which pushed him to help found Volkswagen as “the people’s car”. He also passed anti-smoking laws, and wildlife protection laws.


Personally I don’t believe souls are good or evil, but just like night and day wherever there’s darkness light can shine through and wherever there’s light darkness allowed it to be.

Light, darkness

They are together, not separate on the tree called human experience and rooted in an illusion of self for the advancement of the soul (where is the soul advancing to? I’ll probably tell you when I die, haha!)

Thank you for reading this, I’m Shy but if you found this piece inspiring or valuable and want to support the creation of more content like this, then please feel free to do so here, greatly appreciate your love and support!



Illuminated By Intuition
New Earth Consciousness

Walking the path to transcend limiting beliefs, manifest prosperity, and sharing content as I go ✨