Lets Talk About Atlantis

Fragments & Fractals

Sarah St. Erth
New Earth Consciousness


Atlantean Priestess~Sarah St.Erth

The cover art for this article is a preview of the art in my new children's e~book, Atlantis Rising. See Link at the bottom of this article.

We are currently living in what is called the Post Atlantean Epoch. Yes we name Epochs, as a manner of tracking vast periods of time, anthropologically.

While many posit that Plato's refences to Atlantis were purely fantastical, it is strange then, to name our current Epoch, “The Post Atlantean Epoch”…Isn't it?

Many modern researchers are hot on the trail, of this perhaps mythological city.

An Ancient and highly advanced civilization seems highly likely when we look at the marvels of The Sphinx, The Giza Plateau and Gobleki Tepe.

Just to name a few.

For me the most likely location of Atlantis, is currently under archeological query, and excavation in South Africa. Although I believe the Atlantean culture was wide spread all over this beautiful planet we call home.

The Beautiful Terra.

In my research I have found many theories, from various sources, as to what happened to Atlantis, where it was, it is thought that they were so much more advanced than we are in modern times.



Sarah St. Erth
New Earth Consciousness

I am a digital and multi media artist, I like to write sci Fi, and futurism. I love to explore solutions, evolution, healing, gardening. Something for everyone.