Letting In More Light

It Holds The Wisdom Of The Universe – How Can We Allow More In and Ascend into Higher Consciousness

Gemini May
New Earth Consciousness
4 min readJul 3, 2024


Photo by Dyu - Ha on Unsplash

I am currently reading the beautiful book: The Archangel Guide to Ascension 55 Steps to the Light by Diana Cooper and Tim Whild.

This story is inspired by insights from Step 12 regarding our Light Body.

Ascension & Light

I close each of my stories with “Love & Light”, and when I write that line, I am setting the energetic intent of unconditional love and light from me to you, to be received at that moment.

Light is, in essence – the essence, hehe. It contains the love, knowledge, and wisdom of the universe. It is us.

Our souls are love and light, the light of love!

The energetic light body is the “blueprint of humans” and holds all of the “light and wisdom codes we have earned in the course of our soul journey.

The Physical Body

Our carbon-based physical body operates at lower frequencies, on purpose, so we can understand the third dimension (3D), its polarities of dark and light, and experience the lower…



Gemini May
New Earth Consciousness

I write about love, life & learning as a Divine Feminine Starseed Twin Soul, mother, wife & marketer, ascending on the journey 🔥❤️♾️🪐with unconditional LOVE