Life is Meditation

Prompt Response: What is Your Meditation Practice?

New Earth Consciousness


Photo by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash

Meditation to me is synonymous with life. It does not always look like the mantra meditation, kundalini, chakra alignment, and so on. It can be as simple as sitting down with myself or taking time with myself.

I find these moments with myself throughout my day, when I am working, talking, walking beside the river, reading a book, listening to music, doing yoga, and so on.

It goes without saying, there is a place for all the meditation techniques, very well described by Alan Lew in this article. They are very effective means by which one can develop the ability to calm one’s mind. But meditation cannot be limited to an activity we carry out each day it has to be integral to our lives.

I see all the techniques as a rehearsal, to be ultimately integrated within the situations we face, our actions, and living our life well.

When I say integration, I mean to say it should feel natural, not coerced or imposed upon ourselves to lead a particular lifestyle, diet, or to simply hold on to certain spiritual beliefs or practices because they are good for us or they effect us momentarily. They are all good reasons but we need to continue on the path and allow it to reveal itself.



New Earth Consciousness

Here to express and share my innate love for life and the sacredness inherent in all existence