Multi-Dimensional Breakfast

Into the Vastness of the Universe Within You

Sedona Vibes
New Earth Consciousness


Photo by Dominik Szlufik on Unsplash

In his book, The Universe is Virtual, Alexander Marchand states that having a body is a placebo that reduces fear of what resides in one’s own consciousness. Really, we can remove “one’s own” from that. Having a body reduces fear of what resides in consciousness. We spin this world around “us” as “we” appear as many particular humans. That’s “having a body” — it’s a placebo, and it reduces fear of the darker or more chaotic elements within consciousness. Consciousness is one here — singular.

I do not need to be attached to something to enjoy it profoundly. Have enough, enjoy it fully, and put the rest away. You might have the experience of eating a sandwich prepared by someone you don’t even know, sense the love of the person who prepared it for you, and feel love for that person for that.

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Why do I do so much of what I do? So much of it is motivated by boredom. And just what is boredom? It seems to be a discomfort with… baseline or mundane consciousness, or should I call it sentience? Sentience is perhaps the sense of being an individual, separate entity. So, like, oh… I’m here, and now what am I doing…



Sedona Vibes
New Earth Consciousness

I'm Doug, a crystal guy residing in Sedona. In 2018, I started Sedona Vibes Crystals at eBay. My journey has led to distant places and other dimensions of Mind.