Multidimensional Time: A Framework for Understanding the Universe’s Fabric

We Are Not Flat

Farmer Josh McClary
New Earth Consciousness


The image is a surreal, detailed artwork featuring a large sphere with various scenes interwoven around and inside it. Key elements include a woman sitting and contemplating, butterflies, a clock, a face depicted in smoke, test tubes, and a scientist. Each element is connected in a dream-like, flowing manner, suggesting themes of life, time, and science.
Spheres of Time, image rendered by Farmer Josh DALL-E

What is Fundamental?

The concept of time as a linear, one-dimensional flow from past to future is deeply ingrained in both our everyday experiences and classical physics. But what if this understanding is merely a shadow of a much richer and more complex reality? Let us discuss the theory of multidimensional time — a revolutionary framework that could fundamentally alter our understanding of the fundamentals of the universe(s).

Rethinking Time

Our flat, singular-dimension view of time has sufficed for centuries, from Newtonian mechanics to Einstein’s relativity, where time intertwines with the three spatial dimensions, forming the four-dimensional spacetime continuum.

However, some quantum phenomena defy classical explanations. For example, entanglement — where particles remain connected across vast distances instantaneously — suggests a non-linear, interconnected temporal framework. Could it be that time, much like space, has more than one dimension?

Theoretical Foundations

Introducing additional dimensions to time could provide a more robust framework for explaining anomalies in quantum mechanics and relativity. Theoretical physicists like…



Farmer Josh McClary
New Earth Consciousness

Farm Steward/Artist/Dirt Witch trying to discover a food system for Earthlings at Consideration Farm, USA.