My Revelation While Meditating Inside the Great Pyramid of Giza

This simple insight has helped me in many moments of struggle

Dr. Rebecca Hubbard
New Earth Consciousness
4 min readSep 15, 2023


Photo by Author

I was sweating. I heard my heavy breathing as I climbed into the center of the Great Pyramid of Giza. I focused on the stones around me that allowed a very narrow path and the heels of my fellow travelers ahead of me. One step at a time. Deep breaths. Take it in.

In 2017, I had the privilege of traveling to Egypt as part of a group that was also completing a Kemetic Yoga teacher training. “KMT,” or Kemet, is the ancient word for the Egyptian land and people. Our tour of the inside of the Great Pyramid was part of this trip.

Modified diagram of the Great Pyramid by Jeff Dahl

This particular part of the trip was towards the end. I was exhausted. Hours and hours of practicing yoga on a daily basis, receiving theoretical instruction, and learning history and philosophy while visiting historic and spiritually significant sites left very little time to actually reflect on what was happening inside of me. Until this moment



Dr. Rebecca Hubbard
New Earth Consciousness

Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Certified Kemetic Yoga Instructor, recovering perfectionist and healing from hustle culture.