Navigating the Matrix; Peacefully.

Sara Eaton
New Earth Consciousness
6 min readNov 4, 2020
My Weller

In our reality what do we perceive ‘The Matrix’ to be? The most popular idea being how it represents the systems that keep us in the dark.. society, media, government, and even the education system. Yes, basically everything from our early childhood.

Bear with me, I won’t get too serious, there’s a happy dog story at the end.

So, the subject of our earthly Matrix raises a few questions.. What if, we are far far more than anything we’ve been taught through the structure of society? What if, everything we once knew about ourselves has since been suppressed through the corrupt systems of our linear time.

Surely, if we were to discover who we really are, our true origins, in turn we would become a very powerful race, one that would surely stand up against, and pose a real threat for the oppressive society that currently exists.

Lockdown has been a great opportunity for self reflection, and self study.

However, conspiracy theories, whether accurate or not, are still belief systems that have the ability to consume us, so how can we navigate and process these instincts, whilst staying positive? We don’t want to allow ourselves to be driven by these negative emotions, but we do need to experience them, process them and then learn to channel them in a positive way.

I felt, in order to answer this question myself, I would have to arm myself with knowledge. This would, in return, give me the tools needed to activate my imagination in such a way that would inspire & fully reprogram my consciousness.

Until we make a conscious decision to allow change into our lives, our subconscious will keep replaying the same program, over and over again.

The measure of intelligence is the ability to change”.. Albert Einstein

I was fortunate enough my “self” to be able to unplug from the third dimensional Matrix during the chaos of 2020. I began a self study quest on a range of subjects. In addition to dredging through the universal entirety of my consciousness to be wholly self aware, I thought I might as well sift through the encyclopedia of life too.

Starting with a lot of psychology, then onto philosophy, some science (quantum mechanics was particularly enlightening). At the time my son was making use of his time indoors watching every episode of the comedy ‘The Big Bang’, it became even funnier when I knew what they were talking about! Laughter keeps the good vibes going.

I found many parallels in literature too, there’s so much to download into my being my personal cloud wouldn’t be big enough, I would need to expand my consciousness, take a piece of string and form a much bigger matrix in the stars. A celestial one perhaps? Just how long is a piece of string? Mmmm.

I’m no expert, but this time of learning and reflection did allow me to highlight the elements that resonated for me, connect the dots, and then form my own blueprint. Everyone should have their own unique version. I knew what made me tick, I was embracing my inner child and learning everything I had given up for the mania of outward living.

Music also inspired me, many different styles from all over the globe. Sometimes I felt as if the lyrics were speaking directly to me, synchronicity perhaps? I’m sure a creative muse can be found in the heart of any musician, any artist in fact.

I came to view the pandemic as a reset button. So, whatever happened, I would learn to slow down, accept the change, process my emotions and live life in a more positive way. It was a very strong message to appreciate what is right here, now & within. The best thing is that it’s all on my doorstep.

Whether it was reading, writing, family, friends, neighbours or nature, it is all here and NOW. It’s been present all along. We don’t always need to go far to seek excitement.

“I don’t need to sell my soul, he’s already in me’.. The Stone Roses

Every person is a unique individual. On social media people are endlessly putting forward views and debating who’s right, who’s wrong, and going round in circles. We can’t force our beliefs on others, but we can plant a seed and perhaps seek to educate ourselves from books and credible sources, so that we can make up our own minds.

Where my home is, the sense of community spirit that flowed during the first lockdown was really wonderful. We were also lucky enough to have abundant sunshine in the corner of my world.

Now, with the continuing polarities, I feel that many of us would be better placed ‘sitting in the eye of the storm’, seeking answers from within.. but everyone has his own purpose in her own world.

The main thing is to focus on what’s positive and avoid following the mainstream media. It really is just geared to keep us in fear and despair. Don’t let it grind you down. Turn off your media app notifications, I deleted all mine. If no ones reading the stuff, no ones reacting to it & winding everyone up on social media, which was meant to be fun in the good old days of not giving a shit.

We need to keep our vibration as high as possible, focusing on healing our mind when issues come up, rather than distracting ourselves with over indulgence and the negativity that follows afterwards.

Hell yes I loved a drink. Half my life’s been one long hangover. Now, I just like a drop of organic wine when the mood takes me, ok maybe two drops.

Getting into nature is a big thing right now, and rightly so. It makes us feel good and gives us the energy we need to keep our spirits high. Those good vibrations are important, keeping our frequency up as its radiates into our inner circles, helping our families and communities to stay positive.

Walking the dog round the block on a daily basis can be quite monotonous, I know there’s always plenty of parks and open spaces to go, but sometimes you just want that quick jaunt.

So, one day I decided to let him walk me, it seemed like a fun idea, although he was hopping along so fast I didn’t notice my surroundings, but he certainly seemed on some kind of mission. When he had reached his destination he just sat and rested on a small patch of grass, I looked up, the trees had grown so tall I didn’t recognise the buildings at first as I looked around. It was the apartment I had first shared with my husband, 25 years ago. I love how synchronicity can teach us what’s important in life.

Had I let my dog lead me there subconsciously, who knows? Perhaps my higher self intervened. Nevertheless we’d had some amazing times in our first home and it was there where the foundations of our family were laid.

They were magical days, a reminder to make new ones.

On another human walk he led me to a group of trees, and just sat there, unmoved for 15 minutes. Its unusual for my Weller, but I had felt very stressed that morning, so fifteen minutes standing amongst a stunning piece of woodland was probably just the meditation I needed. My three legged friend walked me home with a clearer head and feeling quite soothed.

I’d love to see more dogs walking their humans. It could be chaos, but a delight to see nonetheless! I only allow myself to be disciplined with Weller if we’re approaching a road or invading another’s space, like when he jumps to lick a face. Remember, road, face, space. Oh dear, futile attempt at comedy.

Now, as we are still experiencing this virus, stay safe and please have compassion for others. It could be a while before we come out the other side so let’s look after ourselves and our communities. Much love to all.

In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order”.. Carl G Jung.



Sara Eaton
New Earth Consciousness

I’m just Me. Having been in pursuit of the free spirit, here I am.