One Magical, Chocolate Mindset Change to Create You Having It All

Imagined Rabbits & How They Make Your Dreams Come True

Kalyn BR
New Earth Consciousness
7 min readJul 5, 2024


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The Misperception:

Your car needs new tires, your grocery bill has increased by 20% and you really want to go on vacation. You need a raise, a new job or a second job. So, you figure the answer is to work harder.

You saw the problem in your life and you are looking for a solution in your life. The thing is, you may exhaust yourself, and you may earn more money, but can you keep it up? Did you really resolve the problem?

How We Deal With Problems

Frasier diverts everyone’s attention saying, ‘May I remind you that I was struck by a man who died just yesterday?’

Martin, Daphne and Niles all bow their heads.

From the TV series Frasier

I love this ridiculous episode of Frasier because in it, three times Frasier controls the others with just a reminder. He gets them to stop talking and to shift their attention and emotional mode by just saying so.

What power!

Just Decide So

I’ve been a spirituality teacher and channel for over two decades. My husband keeps telling me that I’m a great channel but that I need a system. I know the answers to a lot of spiritual questions, but I’m not sure about how to put a spiritual path into a system…

If I did, I’d start with the end goal. This would be to just change one thing: the energy you come from and then live. In other words, align to a higher-vibrating energy and only employ thoughts, feelings and actions that hold that energy.

Simple, yes. Easy? No. Let’s try to make one thing easier, your thoughts.

To live according to higher-vibrating principles you have to change your mind and take on a new set of beliefs and a new way of thinking.

The simple, but not easy trick, is that, like Frasier, you have to come about this new mindset just because you say so. Sure, you need to know the principles, but then you need to make a choice to live by them. Nothing else will change your mindset, only you.

Like A Computer Program, Have You Been Programed To Hinder Yourself?

In my family it was more than obvious that being unhappy when things, even small things, don’t go your way, means you should be unhappy. Perhaps very unhappy. And, if not very, maybe at least show some disappointment. It doesn’t have to be genuine, it’s the fact that you care enough to sigh, to be bummed out or let it ruin your day.

Being happy for no damn good reason is odd. Weird. Too independent. It may cause you to stick out like a sore thumb. A smile or the expressions of joy — for no good reason — will make you shine too brightly. It’s dangerous! And it opens you to ridicule.

In my family, there was no attention, no sympathy and no codling for happy people.

In your upbringing, what behavior was positively reinforced? Was happiness or being burdened rewarded with love, attention and approval?

Were you too taught to hinder your own life and happiness?

Say You Are Happy

Truth be told, this is an elementary spiritual teaching: be happy from the inside. For no reason at all, just because you are alive. Don’t let the outside determine your mood (energy).

Yes, basic. But so deep.

How’s It Deep?

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Let’s look at an example;

Old school thinking- If you need more money for your car, the groceries and a vacation, then you’ll be struggling and unhappy as you work hard to get ahead — or to just make ends meet.

Spiritual Mindset- You are energy first; this means that to change your life’s experience, you must change your energy first. Working hard to earn more money won’t work but it will exhaust you. If you aren’t familiar with the mirror metaphor, it says that if you don’t like your reflection, cleaning the mirror does nothing. Change yourself (your energy) and the reflection changes.

Changing Your Reflection

Like Houdini, David Blaine or any other magician or illusionists, you too are meant to see life the same way they do: as an illusion of energy that you must work with in order to perform the magic trick.

Become a magician.

Work the magic, or energy, to see a rabbit –or more money — appear.

People keep making the mistake of trying to change the mirror, asking a rabbit to hop out of their hat at the right time, but these things don’t just happen. The magician has to conjure them.

The same is true in life for you.

Life is showing this to you. Just look at people and what they do: a surgeon has to get their hands bloody to perform a surgery. A farmer doesn’t just conjure apples and corn, they have to work the land. A baker doesn’t just pull cakes out of the oven, they have to do the work, get hot in the kitchen and spend the time to turn flour and eggs into delicious, celebratory delights.

In other words, you are an energy worker. Sure you think you have to work harder.

Energy Into Chocolate

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Since chocolate is easy to come by, a chocolatier may not earn a handsome living. Machines can make chocolate into shapes. However, Amaury Guichon, a moder-day chocolatier, creates unique and intricate chocolate sculptures, which sell for $4,500 to $30,000 (as per Forbes [] and

Amaury’s sculptures, which are often several feet tall or more, are a wonder to watch on social media. Between his sculptures and teaching engagements, he is estimated to have income platforms worth over 19 million dollars per year.

I’m sure Amaury’s schedule is full, but I doubt he efforts. On the contrary, his videos and School of Chocolate Show on Netflix make it look like he is creative, talented and loves what he does.

Like a magician, he conjures his creations. More significantly, he works magic that is then reflected into his mirrors:

Energy/imagination: first he has to imagine what he wants to create.

Aligned thoughts: He has to think about how to bring his creation from his imagination into chocolate. Note: a lot of us try to figure out how to make things work, which is using our deductive mental abilities. These are not aligned to imagination or energy; they are not co-creative. No doubt, Amaury seeks to find ways to mold his chocolate so that it matches his imagination. His vision, you can say, is the focus, it drives his inovation to create ways to mold his chocolate. He keeps his “eyes on the prize” his vision, instead of getting side-tracked by logic and trying to figure things out. This is how he came up with unique ways to sculpt chocolate, which he teaches in his school.

Aligned feelings: He has to feel excited as he creates them because being unhappy and frustrated don’t yield masterpieces that people will pay thousands, or tens of thousands, of dollars for.

Aligned actions: Most importantly, like any other master magician, he has to take his time and work his magic (chopping wood).

An energy worker does a lot at the levels of imagination (energy), aligned thoughts (aligned plans), aligned feelings (liking and loving what you do) and aligned actions (taking all the steps to get the rabbit look like it appeared out of thin air).

Screen shot of my Instagram, Amaury and His Chocolate Sculptures

An ancient Zen saying is “Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water.” That’s because a rabbit will only come out of a hat when you are chopping wood and carrying water. A master chops wood using this formula: energy, aligned thoughts, feelings and actions.

Working Magic

How Do You Become A Magician

Toltecs have a technique called a “not doing.” It’s when you choose to do something that goes against habits that become automatic and that you no longer think about. The idea to a not doing is that it helps you get off your auto-pilot way of living and brings a mindfulness and awareness to your thoughts, feelings and actions.

What if you chose to take on the not doing of being happy, instead of letting life bring you down. Yes, undesirable things happen all of the time, but that doesn’t stop Amaury from working his magic. Why? Because he knows that his creations come from within him, the undesirable things don’t matter.

Focus on you.

Choose to be happy, no matter what. Or, choose the not doing of being happy, no matter what happens. Find your magic. If you don’t know where to start, be happy as you chop wood and carry water, even if you don’t like your job. Being happy anyway will start to change things for you.

Like magic, taking on this not doing or this mindset will shift your energy and therefore, your experience. And, what’s wrong with being happy for no good reason?



Kalyn BR
New Earth Consciousness

Helping People Live Their Dreams As Intuitive Retreat Leader: US, Mexico & Bali, On-going Groups & Author (10 Books incl. Shamanic Egg Cleansing) | Flowing.Zone