Open doors. Light in.

Sam Senghor
New Earth Consciousness
1 min readJan 17, 2023
Portrait of a young woman sitting in front of a window with a sibyllic smile
Portrait of a young woman sitting in front of a window with a sibyllic smile

She adjusted her scarf on her head
To cover the remaining portions
Of hair over her brows
Then her lips took away
As she held on tighter to the wandering stick
To her right she turned
And there it was
Clear as day
Unerring in the starry night sky
A Book
A Record

She saw your future
House and union
The children
The success
The potential separation
The peregrinations
For each and every one
She saw the steps and the detour

Then later
Chair to floor
The sit-down
The discussion
More of a confession
About the order
Recollections galore
What she and they
Saw on their own
All aboard

In a little nook
Under a frame with a blue dye
How do we keep evils at bay
Attempts to stategize in this here pause
I hold your hand through time until it sits in an urn
The stars competing for us think themselves slick
Fingers extend toward the ashtray
I see myself again with you until one of us takes the last bows
And leaves the other cooped up in a lair with as only options
Faith and worship, gateways to the eternity ahead.



Sam Senghor
New Earth Consciousness

Crumbs from a soul reconnecting with a self it had lost touch with. Whichever way they shape who I'm becoming. Drafts to the me's I'm yet to meet. And poetry.