A Channeled Teaching & Meditation

Our Expanding Universe is Infinitely Silent

Infinite silence is the 1st truth of the universe. Eternal expansion is its 2nd truth.

Alan Lew
New Earth Consciousness
7 min readSep 9, 2021


by Eddi van W. (Flicker.com, cc-by)

The First Truth: Emptiness

Infinite silence and eternal emptiness is the First Truth that underlies all reality. This is what we often refer to as God or Source, but it is beyond these words because “it” is more than any concept that the human mind is capable of knowing and understanding. It is the universal and absolute origin, energy, and container of all reality, and it is more than that.

The Second Truth: Change

From that infinite silence and eternal emptiness, all phenomenal manifest creation emerges. We do not know how this emergence happens — it just happens. We sometimes think of it as a dream of God or Source. It is the great mystery of life. From our human perspective, it is the infinite reality of experience that appears to be the opposite of the infinite reality of emptiness.

Manifest reality (the dream) expresses its infinity through constant, non-stop, and eternal expansion, which we experience as “change”. This is the Second Truth that applies to all phenomenal (experiential) creation:



Alan Lew
New Earth Consciousness

Anything and Everything is Possible in an Infinite Universe — http://www.AlanLew.com (paywall-free article links)