Releasing Attachment

Overcoming Impatience | Navigating The Buffer Of Time

Relax, everything is working out.

Kiara Hana
New Earth Consciousness


The Law of Attraction is one of the most freeing discoveries many of us have ever made. The realization that we can gain anything we want simply by matching its vibration is as addictive of a thought as it is true. However, many of us don’t realize that the process of “matching its vibration” looks less like something magically appearing in front of us, and more like being thrown into a series of events that change our beliefs, perceptions, and character. This process, referred to by many as the “Buffer of Time”, and clarified here as the “New Belief Processing Time”, is the universe quite literally adjusting you into a new version of yourself that can sustain your desire. Learning what this molding process looks like, and understanding how it is actually beneficial will make the time between now and when your manifestation unfolds something you anticipate instead of dread.

What is the “Buffer of Time”?

Let’s start off with the fact that the “Buffer of Time”, and the concept of linear time itself is an illusion. In all technicalities, there is no real separation between you and your desires. On a vibrational scale, as soon as you desire something, it appears and exists in your vibrational reality instantaneously. The only thing keeping what you’ve created vibrationally from showing up in your physical experience is contradictory thought — aka vibrational misalignment.

As the Law of Attraction states, your vibration only attracts like vibrations. Therefore, your beliefs attract circumstances that align with those beliefs. If you ask to become a millionaire tomorrow but hold beliefs that having too much money is greedy or morally corrupt, then you’ll only attract what’s vibrationally comfortable. There is a great dismantling of old beliefs and reprogramming of new beliefs needed in order to start believing we can have what we desire — and this is what we call the Buffer of Time.

Why do we need the “Buffer of Time?”

The Buffer of Time is the processing time it takes for your mind to wrap around having your desire. Without the Buffer of Time, what manifests is a warped version of what you actually want. For instance, say your desire is for your ex to come back, but you hold subliminal beliefs that you aren’t worthy of love. The next morning you get a text from them asking for a second chance, which you give to them but because your beliefs never changed you end up re-attracting all the reasons you left the person in the first place. You feel even more unhappy than you did before receiving your desire.

Alternatively, the Universe lets six months pass by before you get that text. However, in those six months, you’ve dated other people who have made you aware of what you want and don’t want in a relationship, you’ve learned valuable lessons in self-love, and you’ve progressed spiritually and consciously, so by the time your ex comes back — you’ve attracted a totally different person because you are a totally different person.

This is why the Buffer of Time is essential to your manifestation process. It’s the Universe building you into the person that can sustain having what you want, instead of gaining your desire and eventually losing it because your contradictory thoughts and limiting beliefs get in the way. Over time, as you get more comfortable with the flow of Desire → Enlightening Circumstances → Manifestation, you’ll become so familiar that you start to expect and even prepare for triggers to pop up, not because they are fun in any way, but because you know you’re about to have another breakthrough that takes you from where you are to where you want to be. It’s like the soothing calm of applying an ice pack to a wound that’s been left unattended too long.

How Do I Overcome Impatience during the Buffer of Time?

Here are a few ways to manage impatience when you’re in the midst of your Buffer of Time:

1. Distract Yourself

You don’t want to sit around and wait for your manifestation to show up, that only keeps your awareness locked on the fact that you don’t have what you want. Instead, find something to distract you. A good rule of thumb is to distract yourself by focusing on things that make you feel good: read a book, watch your favorite show, or start working on a personal project you’ve been thinking about. Anything that you genuinely enjoy doing to keep your mind engaged on what you like versus what you don’t have.

Reconnecting with your Source energy will always be the most helpful thing to do when your mind gets too saturated with worry. Meditation is a good way to clear your mind and return to your emotional baseline of neutrality in order to put yourself in a state that allows the Universe to send you answers. A powerful practice learned from spiritual teacher , is to sit in silence for five minutes and chant “Pure awareness, I am. Pure awareness, I am.” This connects you back to your base energy — which is pure consciousness. Remember — at the core you are a spiritual being first and a physical being second. Reconnecting with that part of you is reconnecting with your core state.

2. I.E.A. — Incremental Emotional Ascension

I.E.A., or Incremental Emotional Ascension, is the practice of deliberately changing your emotional state by starting with a small change to something slightly larger and onward until you finally reach the emotional state you’d prefer. For example, you feel really bummed out — too bummed out to focus on your meditation session. You’re trying every trick in the book to get back to your emotional baseline, but your worry is so potent that your mind can’t let it go. Instead of trying to go from 100 to 0, try to get to 99. Think one positive thought, anything that makes you feel marginally better than you do in the present moment. Focus on it for a bit, then try to summon up another positive thought. The more positive thoughts you put your focus on, the more positive thoughts your mind sends to you. It’s the Law of Attraction at play — your mind simply thinks more of what you’re already thinking. Keep doing this, and you’ll see your mood improve in no time, and eventually reach the calm, neutral state you need to be able to meditate effectively and reconnect with your inner being for guidance.

It’s important to remember to treat yourself well during this period. When triggers rear their ugly heads, it’ll be tempting to slip into doubt or self-loathing. Instead, exercise patience with yourself. Remember that at your core, you are whole and complete. You are a student, learning a lesson, and this is a test that requires nothing of you aside from observing and remaining calm. You can also journal out everything you’re grateful for during the day to start training your mind to focus on the positives rather than the negatives. Even feel free to take some time out to “brain dump” every negative emotion you have right now. Psychologically, this can have the feeling of lifting a huge burden off your back. Sometimes it just feels good to get it all out! But whatever you do, remember: Be Kind To Yourself.

3. Seek The Lesson In The Trigger

Lastly, remember that triggers are there to be learned from, not to be destroyed by. Sometimes remembering that you’re supposed to be finding something in the triggering circumstance helps you get through it. When you get lost in the illusion of its power over you, it’s easy to forget that you’re actually the one in control. Everything manifested roots from the beliefs currently in your subconscious, so by finding out what that core belief is (using the clues your triggering circumstance is giving you), you’ll be effectively breaking down that limiting belief and thus breaking down the occurrences of its negative manifestations. Triggers are pending breakthroughs.


You can begin scheduling your Buffer of Time out — say if you want x and you know it’s something you have a really hard time believing right now, give yourself a time period on how long you think it’ll take to change your beliefs. For example, you can say “I will receive x in 6 months from now”, and remember that it’s not what you do that’ll get you x, but instead what you believe.

Re-upload, originally published on blog September 7, 2023 — edited and formatted for Medium.

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With Love, Kiara Hana



Kiara Hana
New Earth Consciousness

Guiding you from powerless to your True power | Life changes from the inside out.