From A Session with Cornelius Christopher

Past Lives Healing the Present

How may past lives have you had in a universe that is timeless and infinite?

Alan Lew
New Earth Consciousness
11 min readMar 10, 2021


by David

ME: … And so I guess the question I have for my consciousness is: How can I get over, how can I resolve, this high blood pressure challenge that I have?

CC: Hey Alan, how do we do this?

“CC” is Cornelius Christopher. He says he has lost his “ego”, because he no longer has that autopilot Monkey Mind like most people. He is able to talk directly to the “consciousness” (or the subconscious, or the inner self) of anyone, including those who have lived in the past. In his one-on-one sessions, like the one I am recounting here, he mostly talks directly to the inner self of his client. He either asks it a question (as above), or repeats what it is telling him (as below). I have written two other articles about my sessions within CC, which are linked at the end the end of this article.

CC: Oh, interesting. OK, cool. So high blood pressure represents long standing emotional problems that have not been solved. So there’s something. So, let’s have a look if there’s anything in your past.

Alan, is there anything in your past that’s come through that’s not been resolved? How many…



Alan Lew
New Earth Consciousness

Anything and Everything is Possible in an Infinite Universe — (paywall-free article links)