New Earth Consciousness Explainer

“Spiritual Activism” for a New Earth

[Updated March 16, 2023] How to “not fight injustice, but create justice” from a spiritual perspective.

Alan Lew
New Earth Consciousness
32 min readApr 22, 2021


by Przemek Pietrak ( cc-by)

Non-Medium members can access this full article paywall-free here.


[0] What is “Spiritual Activism”?
[1] The Spiritualist Perspective
— [1.1] Separate but Shared Universes
— [1.2] An Infinitely Expanding Universe
— [1.3] Everyone is a Manifestation of “God”
[2] The Realist Perspective
— [2.1] Spiritual Bypassing
— [2.2] A Meditation to Get You There
[3] Spiritually & Actively Changing Our World
— [3.1] Balancing the Outer-Ego-Self & the Inner-Soul-Self
— [3.2] Enlightened Action: Passion & Miracles
— [3.3] Creating Our Reality
[4] How to Not Fight for Justice, but Create Justice
— [4.1] Seek Harmony
[5] Applying a Soul-Level Perspective
— [5.1] This is Not Easy… and It is Easy
[6] Related Resources



Alan Lew
New Earth Consciousness

Anything and Everything is Possible in an Infinite Universe — (paywall-free article links)