Robin Gibb: Being Famous Isn’t All Fun and Games

Conversations from the afterlife


Robin Gibb in the Afterlife on YouTube | Debbra Lupien, Voice of the Akashic Records

Meeting Robin

One day, right in the middle of a meditation, Robin Gibb popped in for a chat. Being a long-time Bee Gees fan, I was all in, meditation could wait.

The message he shared was thoughtful and laced with profound spiritual lessons. The thing that really surprised me, though, was the regret. That I didn’t expect…

Conversation Begins

Debbra: What did you want to say? Do you have a message for your fans?

Robin: I was quite snockered off at having an early exit. Not the way I planned it at all. Wasn’t nearly finished with what I wanted to accomplish, but when your number’s up, it’s up.

Debbra: Well Robin, it’s been quite some time now. Do you still feel the same way?

Robin: Actually, no. It did take me a bit to adjust, though. There’s all the usual stuff to do over here. People to catch up with, lots of activities, never a dull moment — unless that’s what you’re looking for.

It lacks the visceral feel of being in a body, which I quite miss.

