Spiritual Attacks

Shining Bright: Protecting Your Light from Negative Forces

Lightworkers, Healers and Way-Showers, are you safe?

Thea Williams
New Earth Consciousness


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You’ve heard about the Law of Attraction, the power of positivity, and more. You’re incredibly generous, always honest, and never cheat or steal. You genuinely follow the Golden Rule. But despite all this, life keeps throwing you into unpleasant situations.

You continuously encounter negative people such as narcissists, manipulators, and liars. You do your best to dance around the negative forces, but blasts of trauma and drama bombard you. You can’t seem to “catch a break”

However, being the superstar that you are, you continue to climb out of the mess, brush yourself off and move forward. You cross your fingers that you are free and clear, for at least a little while. Then BAM!

What’s Going On?

I’ll tell you, my friend. It’s because you are light! Yes, you shine like a brilliant diamond. Your sparkle is visible for miles. But because of this, you’re like a porch light that attracts mosquitoes.

Your gurus may encourage you to raise your vibe, stay positive and “be the light,” but they forgot to mention that some “bugs” are irresistibly drawn to the light!

On a spiritual level, you are a warrior, a teacher, a vehicle for higher consciousness and because of this, you will be challenged. You will encounter forces that want to dim your radiance.

You are a clear threat to their mission — their desire to keep humans in conflict.

Lightworkers and Way Showers, do not underestimate your role. Your mission is important, and you’re going to need backup!

Protecting Your Energies

Whatever your religious or spiritual beliefs are, call upon the guiding, healing spirits you trust. Don’t worry about getting it wrong. The pure Divine doesn’t care who you believe in or what religion you practice. Those are all human-made constructs.

Ethereal energies and light bodies are here to guide, guard, and protect you. They don’t care what names you call them, what temples you place them in, or what day of the week you worship. In fact, worship isn’t necessary, but permission to intervene is.

Is “Ask, and it Shall Be Given” Enough?

The question is HOW do you ask?
Don’t beg or sound helpless. You are a master, and all ethereal beings are at your beck and call. You must command.

Yes, Command!

During my Theta Healer training, one of the things I struggled with was commanding. I initially thought, “Who am I to command?” But what I learned was that command and demand are not the same.

Both “command” and “demand” involve giving instructions or expecting something from someone, but there is one major difference, and that is Authority!

A demand can come from anyone, regardless of authority. A child might demand candy from a parent; a customer might demand a refund from a store. It is generally aggressive and forceful. With this kind of energy, one is reluctant to give in.

A command comes from a position of authority — a teacher commands students to be quiet; a boss commands employees to meet a deadline. It is expected to be DONE. It isn’t forceful.

See the difference?
So, stop playing small. You are the authority of your life. But no one ever told you that, did they? Nope. Instead, phrases like “unworthy sinners” echo in your ears. Or ideas that you must earn your way into the “kingdom.”

None of this is true.
No matter who you are or where you are in life, you are an integral part of the Alpha and Omega. The homeless man on the corner holds just as much significance as the monk on the mountain.

Now take charge. Command the Light of the Divine to build an armor of protection around you. Ask with authority to be shielded from negative influences.

Command that the deities of the celestial realms and the nymphs by the tranquil rivers assist.

KNOW that it is done- not think, not believe, but KNOW.

Thea- Lover of all things magical.

Check out my book, The Real Us (and we’re not crazy) Dive into the uncharted territories of our inner potential, unlocking the hidden truths that lie dormant within us all.



Thea Williams
New Earth Consciousness

BA. in Metaphysical Sc., Hypnotherapist, Creator of Heartlinked Healing. I write to teach. Offering wellness tips, recipes and holistic health strategies.