Reader Q&A

‘Sat-Chit-Ananda’ (Soul-Consciousness-Love) Underlies All Reality

Also known as 1-Intelligence/Essence, 2-Awareness, and 3-Happiness/Energy — by any name, they are in everything.

Alan Lew
New Earth Consciousness
15 min readFeb 12, 2021


by Betshy Sanchez (, cc-by)

QUESTION FROM A READER: I know that All is One, all are infinite manifestations of Consciousness. I also know that only Love is real. What is the relationship/connection between Consciousness and Love? The same? Just semantics?

ANSWER FROM ME & MY ENERGY GROUP-HIGHER SELF: Thanks for your interesting question. This is my perspective, or I should say “our perspective”, as this is a collaboration between my physical self and my higher self Energy Group.

Keep in mind that others might see things differently and that does not mean that they or we are wrong. It is simply different perspectives reflecting different vibrations of consciousness. What resonates with you at this point in time is what is most important.

To understand the relationship between Consciousness and Love, we also have to consider the Soul. Essentially, Consciousness, Love and the Soul are the three ways that Source (God/Brahman/All That Is) has a presence in manifest reality. In fact, each of these three essential aspects is present in everything that exists, both…



Alan Lew
New Earth Consciousness

Anything and Everything is Possible in an Infinite Universe — (paywall-free article links)