When You’re Only As Good As Your Last Miracle

The remarkable life of Moses and his present-day guidance


Author vlastas,

Today I have a story to share with you about the time Moses reached out from the afterlife to share his thoughts on the state of the world today.

You just never know what’s going to happen when you enter the inner sanctum of the Akashic Records… 😉

The Inner Sanctum

Once inside the Records, I was guided down a long hallway to Room 72.

The room is a cozy space with a fireplace, and a big cushy leather armchair, a tartan plaid throw draped over the back. There are tall bookshelves, and a big window overlooking an empty playground.

As I turn to the book shelves, something shiny catches my eye — a big leather-bound Bible.

Once I’ve seen it, I can’t unsee it, nor see any other books. It’s practically screaming “Pick me!”

The book is too big and bulky to hold, so I pick it up and carry it to a nearby table.

Placing the Bible on the table in front of me, I wonder, shall I simply open to a random page?

