Part of the Personal Ascension Series

“Soulmates” vs “Twin Flames”

Actually, there are “TWIN-Flames”, “Twin-FLAMES”, “SOUL-Mates”, and “Soul-MATES”.

Alan Lew
New Earth Consciousness
12 min readJan 23, 2021


by Antonino SCIMECA (, cc-by)

Non-Medium subscribers can access this full article here.


“SOULMATES” and “Twin Flames” both refer to two souls who come from the same “soul family” and have a pre-birth “soul contract” or agreement to play out certain roles in an incarnation (or life) that they share. The goal of this relationship is to support one another’s spiritual evolution.

Beyond that basic definition, there appears to be much diversity of opinion in spiritual circles as to just what these two terms refer to.

For more on “souls” and “soul families” see:

Twin Flames and Soulmates (less commonly spelled as Twinflames and Soul Mates, respectively) are among the more popular topics of discussions in the spiritual groups that I follow on Facebook, although not as popular as Dark Night of the Soul



Alan Lew
New Earth Consciousness

Anything and Everything is Possible in an Infinite Universe — (paywall-free article links)